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Survival of the Stinkiest: A Tale Of Yeast Beats Zest
“In the beginning, the Foreskin sheltered the Plane of the Glans Penis. The Unknown removed the Foreskin, and the Glans lay revealed. When the Too Hot Flood and the evil Soap came, they destroyed the environment my people—the people of Yeast--had come to love. Before their arrival, the Plane grew vast, producing recourses for all of my people. After, the Too Hot Flood and the Soap forced my people to seek shelter in the Meatus, an inner cave deep in the Plane of Glans. Despite seeking shelter, the floods and soap killed most of my people, and the recourses that remained could not sustain my people, an dearth that killed my people and caused diseases among those who survived. The people who did survive would flourish, and we would re-grow our empire once again thanks to the Eight and Two Gods who worked a miracle.
The Benefits of the White Flood
“Thanks to the Eight and Two Gods, a White Flood surged throughout the lands, spreading much needed resources for us to consume. Once again, The Plane expanded its empire further than before. My people hardened and reddened the land, creating fertile lands to grow resources. Even when the Too Hot Floods and Soap tried to repel my people, the Eight and Two Gods’ resources protected my lands. Thanks to our survival, our stench persisted, a sign of my people’s prosperity.
Why Cleaning Your Penis is Important
Hopefully the point is clear: persistent penile odor is caused by microscopic fungi. Getting rid of them once and for all requires proper hygiene technique. Scalding your penis dries out the skin and makes it worse. Likewise, harsh soaps or scrubbing yourself raw won't eliminate the problem, even if you scour your meatus as deeply as you can stand. This weakens your defense against infection and therefore against a stinky penis, as well.
Instead, focus on finding what works without causing further problems in the future. Get used to a comfortably warm water temperature when you bathe. Stick to mild soaps. Try to scrub gently, and for a short period. In between washes, consider using an all-natural herbal supplement designed specifically to address the inner problems that may be helping the yeasts survive. (SEE: Penis Smell Herbal Fighter)
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Views: 212

Ideas: Men's, Penis Pain & Injury, bad penis smell

GuideID: 62608

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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