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Onania Mania: When Self-Pleasure Destroys Practical Needs for Lubrication
Everyone loves to feel good. From a very young age, children engage in self-exploration, finding out what touches are enjoyable. We tend to forget this stage, when we’ve reached a conscious adult mindset, but the fact remains that we’ve learned what it takes to make ourselves feel good.
At some point, though, this solo enjoyment can go too far. Constant manipulation can create problems with vaginal and labial dryness, and with chafing and tenderness. Even successful masturbation, ending in orgasm, can have negative effects. Certain sex hormones can both build up or be diminished, and this imbalance creates issues with tissue health, sexual arousal, desire, and lubrication.
How Much Is Too Much?
Don’t worry; I won’t cut into your daily routine! Masturbating one or two times per day, so long as you aren’t using a vibrator, and your labia, clitoris, and vagina feel healthy and happy, isn’t a problem. What does become a problem is when the aforementioned areas start to become overly sensitive, tender, or painful. To continue masturbating when your genitals are in an irritated state initiates the production of prostaglandins, specifically prostaglandin E2, which triggers inflammation, bruising, and occasionally shooting pains.
If you are using a vibrator for pleasure, you should try to use it as infrequently as possible—relying on your own or another’s hands instead. Vibrators cause problems with circulation and can create nerve damage when used regularly. If you can achieve orgasm without a vibrator, it’s better that you do so.
And About Those Sex Hormones?
After orgasm, a hormone is released known as prolactin. This hormone is normally only present for a short while—this time is known as the “refractory period”. During this stage, the desire for sex is decreased, as well as is genital sensation and pleasure. In males, this is the length of time that must occur before they can again achieve erection. Some females are able to avoid the negative effects of prolactin to experience another orgasm, but the methods for this vary.
However, with or without plural orgasms, prolactin is still present in the body. If a woman were to daily masturbate to orgasm, multiple times per day, she would soon begin noticing issues with sexual sensation. Hormones take a while to disperse in the body. If inadequate time is allowed for this, the hormone begins to build up.
Prolactin also pushes estrogen and oxytocin out of the picture: the hormones that create vaginal lubrication and orgasm, respectively. After awhile, the hypermasturbator will no longer be able to orgasm as usual, and will probably find herself unable to properly lubricate as well.
Take a Chill Pill
Who would think that one could masturbate too much? But I’ve heard over and over again, worried questions from women wondering why they can’t get wet after extended solo play. Luckily, if you just allow your body some time to process the excess prolactin, you will soon find yourself returned to a happy, horny state.
Botanical Benefits
If you do enjoy a life of constant orgasms, you might consider taking an herbal supplement to keep your hormone levels healthy. (SEE: Herbal Formula for Vaginal Dryness Relief) This will prevent you from maxing out your estrogen and oxytocin when prolactin levels peak. It’s important to your sexual health that your hormones are in alignment, or peri-menopausal symptoms might start earlier than they ought to. Well-lubricated lips, and plump, springy tissues will be yours so long as you keep your estrogen levels up.
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Views: 231

Ideas: Women's,Vaginal Dryness,Onania Mania

GuideID: 62442

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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