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Dual Vibration Cock Rings: The Only Way To Double Your Pleasure
Are you interested in increasing your sexual pleasure? I know what you're thinking, who isn't, right? Well look no further!
At this point, the vibrating ring is probably one of the most common sex toys out there. No longer do we have to travel to the local adult store, or wait a certain amount of days after ordering one online. These days you can actually find a vibrating ring at the corner drug store. They are extremely assessable, as well as sexually helpful.
Double Your Fun
In fact, a lot of men who have trouble with weak erections find that using a cock ring help them stay harder, longer. The rings are able to prolong erections because of how they trap the blood that collects within the shaft of the penis.
Typically, you will secure a cock ring, whether it vibrates or not, at the base of your penis. When you slip it on, be sure to lube up the area to avoid any painful application. Once the cock ring is in place, it will concentrate the blood flow within the chambers of the penis, and increase the circulation throughout the shaft.

The Vibrations Are Here
The first time my boyfriend and I ever used a vibrating ring, it just so happens that it was double barreled... And it was amazing! Not only did I experience one of the best orgasms of my life, so did my man.
Through lots of pleasurable trial and error, I have personally found that the best way to experience one of these rings is to get up and on. Have your girlfriend or wife straddle your waist in the frontward facing cowgirl position. Once you are both comfortable in this position, she may lean forward as much as she wants, so that her clitoris grinds up against the vibrating component. During this time, it is very important to let her set the pace of your lovemaking.
And though I will forever be the first one in the 'good vibrations' line, it's true what they say, too much of a good thing will just go to spoil. No matter how good the vibes are kicking it that night, you should never exceed using a vibrating devise longer than thirty minutes.
Contrary to popular belief, vibrators can be misused and abused. Vibrator damage may cause bruising, scar tissue damage, impotence, or vein ruptures.
King Of The Ring
Cock rings come in a multitude of styles, shapes, and sizes to pick from. These days the rings will often include at least a single vibrating bullet. However, back in the day, cock rings usually only consisted of a beveled metal ring. (TRY: Double Pleasure Cock Rings for Dual Pleasure) There were no fancy vibrations going on, let alone any kind of double bullet rings. It was also quite common for men to have to thread both their penis and scrotum through the same loop, so that the ring may secure at the base of the penis tight enough to intensify the stimulation.
Dominatrix's actually started to use these types of rings, because of the way they could withhold their partner's climax. Luckily, these days, our vibrating rings are made out of far less harsh materials such as silicone and rubber.
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Views: 175

Ideas: Men's, Impotence, Low Sex Drive

GuideID: 62366

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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