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Give Me Back What’s Mine: Reclaiming Lost Libido at the Onset of Menopause
With just the briefest of searches, a woman can easily find information about the “change of life.” Magazines, medical pamphlets and other news sources extensively discuss symptoms like vaginal atrophy and hot flashes. What’s not freely discussed is how to manage these symptoms without the aid of synthetic hormones.
Hormones receive so much attention because they are responsible for the changes wrought by menopause. This key juncture represents the time when a woman can no longer bear children. In the past, people thought of menopausal women as erratic and in need of retirement from the world. Now, nothing could be further from the truth. Yes, menopause transforms a woman’s body, but that doesn’t mean she can’t still enjoy life’s simplest pleasures.
When Love No Longer Feels Right
Each female body is vastly different from the next, meaning the symptoms of menopause can vary wildly. Some women sail through the “change of life” with few outward signs, others suffer from headaches, mood swings and everything in between. Some of the most common symptoms include night sweats, vaginal dryness, insomnia, and lack of sexual desire.
This last symptom – loss of libido – is largely accepted by women as a “normal” part of aging. The industry to correct this condition in men is booming, and talking about the male sex drive is as easy as discussing dinner. Women, on the other hand, seem to be at a loss with what to say and to whom to say it.
The reality is that even women with a once vigorous sex drive can lose their passion at the onset of menopause. This is effected by either drops in estrogen, a hormone found to drive female libido, or falling testosterone. We know testosterone is the “man’s” hormone, but it also exits in the female body – albeit in smaller quantities.
The Role of Testosterone in Females
It is the man’s hormone that ironically boosts sensitivity in the female body. Sexual feelings of pleasure that come from the nipples and clitoris are owed to testosterone. This crucial chemical also amps up feelings of sexuality and, as a result, leads to a better lovemaking experience for a woman.
But testosterone, derived from DHEA, drops by at least 50 percent at the onset of menopause. DHEA is produced by the adrenal glands and paves the way for balanced levels of estrogen, progesterone and testosterone. As DHEA production drops, so too do those of other hormones. This means loss of sensation in erogenous zones and waning feelings of desire.
Keep in mind that menopause itself can turn a woman’s nose up at sex. Fatigue, irritability and general discomfort do not lend themselves to intercourse. Another point that must be made is this: DHEA is an energy source in women. When levels plummet, her energy similarly suffers, and without the inclination to be sexually active, a woman will not feel desire.
Stand Up and Face Menopause
When menopause strikes, it’s tempting to fantasize about days of old. But we have a better solution – one that actually reduces symptoms and gives back your passion. We’re talking about Young Again, an herbal supplement that modulates DHEA levels. (TRY: Herbal Libido Revival for Menopausal Women) The end result is balanced levels of estrogen and progesterone. You’ll feel young inside and out and happily reclaim the libido you once enjoyed.
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Views: 205

Ideas: Women's, Low Sex Drive, Menopause

GuideID: 62332

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