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Your Guide to Male Low Sex Drive

As men age, the desire for sex fades away. Low testosterone can lead to low libido, mood swings and weak erections. For younger adults, low testosterone is often caused by sexual exhaustion due to excessive masturbation or ejaculation, while for older men, age and poor diet can lead to low levels of the hormone.

Lower levels of testosterone can impact men in three different ways:

  • Psychologically – Urge for sex or motivation decreases
  • Physically - Changes of the body shape
  • Pathologically – Low levels of testosterone are statistically linked to Male Menopause and Chronic Fatigue
More Reading - Articles featured in this website also discuss:
  • The science linking testosterone insufficiency to weight gain and diabetes
  • How testosterone determines body composition and fat accumulation
  • Why experts now recommend testosterone testing for middle-aged men and above
  • Read the compelling evidence of the role of testosterone therapy as a means of promoting weight loss and empowering yourself sexually

Lower testosterone levels are associated with aging, sexual exhaustion, and chronic problems such as diabetes, cardiovascular diseases and obesity. Other causes include chemotherapy, testicular injury, genetic disorder, pituitary gland dysfunction, prescription drugs, liver cirrhosis, kidney failure, AIDS, sarcoidosis and Kallman’s Syndrome.
If you happen to experience low sex drive, have your blood levels measured to see if your testosterone levels are low.

Restoring Testosterone Level Back To Normal

Many doctors recommend testosterone replacement therapy as a way to restore testosterone levels back to normal. The replacement therapy involves intra-muscular injections every two weeks, testosterone patches or testosterone gels. Restoring testosterone levels using custom-compounded bioidentical hormone replacement therapy is still a controversial topic due to its association with pharmacy compounding methodology, safety and efficacy claims.

Some doctors believe that bio-identical hormones are expected to have the same benefits and risks as conventional chemically and synthetic hormones. [1] [2]

Devise Your Own Solutions:

Low or Imbalance Testosterone
Many factors can influence your sexual power and desire. Find out how to improve it
What to do: Herbs For Male Low Sex Drive

Abdominal Obesity
Belly fat is the hidden culprit behind your low sexual desire
What to do: Natural Male Libido Supplements & Pills
Male Menopause
Don't let aging make a toll in your sexual performance & drive
What to do: Ways to Increase Your Natural Testosterone

Male Orgasmic Disorder
Loss of sexual desire is the main cause behind your Inhibited or delay ejaculation
What to do: Orgasm Disorder Formula For Men

Testosterone levels can be restored naturally through diet and consumption of many different potent herbs. It does take time for the body to restore testosterone levels, but giving these products a try can save your sex life.

  1. ^Boothby, LA; Doering PL; Kipersztok S (2004). "Bioidentical hormone therapy: a review". Menopause: the Journal of the North American Menopause Society 11 (3): 356–67.
  2. ^Panay N, Fenton A., Bioidentical hormones: what is all the hype about?, Climacteric. 2010 Feb;13(1):1-3.
[More Details +]

Views: 526

Ideas: Male reproductive health, Low libido, Low testosterone, Male menopause, Male Low Sex Drive, Low Sex Drive

GuideID: 62296

Guide Type: Hot Topics

Channels: Low Sex Drive

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