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How Your Heart Affects Semen Quality

Beating 100,000 times a day, the heart helps pump blood to every organ, tissue and muscle inside your body. It serves as one of the most important organs inside the body, and without it, the body cannot survive. While it may be no bigger than your first, this organ pumps about 2,000 gallons of blood everyday, and it too affects your semen quality. Yes, your heart can affect semen quality.
Okay, okay, your heart may not directly affect your semen quality, but scientist have discovered that males with cardiovascular conditions, including high blood pressure, notice increased fertility issues.

Seeing the Numbers

According to the Daily Mail, 15 percent of couples notice fertility issues, and about half of those will experience poor semen quality. Everything from motility (movement speed) to the concentration of the sperm itself determines the health of the organism. And scientist have found that males as young as 30 with cardiovascular issues noticed a higher risk for developing poor semen quality.  Still, scientist do not know exactly what the correlation of the heart and semen quality is, but according to an interview by the Daily Mail, Professor Eisenberg states that “15 per cent of all genes in the human genome are connected fairly directly to reproduction.”

Improving Your Heart Health

If you’re worried about your heart health and possible fertility issues, start today. Diet and exercise serve as the two most influential proponents that can save your fertility and improve your heart health. If you’re concerned with your heart health, the following can help:

  • Exercise for 30 minutes: Physical exercise gives the strengthens the heart, but more importantly improves weight management while preventing the development of other more serious conditions.
  • Avoid tobacco or alcohol: Just because your under 30 doesn’t mean you don’t have to worry. Heart conditions can develop in your late 20s from all the excessive drinking and smoking. Even worse, tobacco and alcohol constrict the blood vessels from direction blood to necessary organs, including the penis.
  • Maintain a healthy diet: Red meats, fried foods, and packaged snack foods remain your hearts number one enemies. Try keeping both saturated fats and trans-fats to a minimum and look to eating more veggies and fruits.

While most older men after the age of 40 start to notice heart issues, younger men should too take notice. Why? Diseases start to form long before they become a problem. 

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Views: 366

Ideas: Men's, Male Infertility, Sexual Wellbeing

GuideID: 62108

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