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Young Adult Impotence & Excessive Masturbation

More than ever, young adults are suffering from the various erectile dysfunctions usually associated with seniors. How Sad! A key reason behind this trend is that younger adults are exposed to online pornography before they reach puberty.

Too Much - Too Early

Overly stimulating online porn has induced young adults to masturbate abusively before their sexual organs are fully developed. Both mentally and physiologically exhausted, these young adults exhibit a wide range of symptoms that indicate the severe compromise of their endocrine and immune systems. The loss of the ‘morning erection’ and an inability to sustain a firm erection are early indicators of severe sexual exhaustion.

Sexual exhaustion is the byproduct of excessive masturbation and ejaculation. It results in the depletion of essential hormones and neurotransmitters. To counterbalance this, the body produces a set of stress hormones (such as cortisols) that try to adjust and realign the biofeedback mechanisms.
The effects of chronic overexposure to cortisol and irregular production of sex hormones can be devastating. It can often lead to various side effects, including erectile dysfunction - even for young adults.
Prolonged cortisol elevation results in sustained elevations of blood sugar, a substantial loss of bone calcium, depression of important immune responses, high blood pressure, loss of muscle mass, increased fat accumulation, and even loss of cognitive function.
Never Too Late

It's never too late to recover if you are committed to it. Men are expected to live at least 85 years. But short-change yourself and end your sex life before that. Sexual potency is a critical for manhood. Of course, don't expect erectile drugs to help you all way, which it won't at all. Find a natural remedy that would work for you and get your sexual power back in track.

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Views: 212

Ideas: Men's, Youth Impotence, Impotence & Excessive Masturbation

GuideID: 60895

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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