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Coke’s Dangerous Side Effects on Erectile Strength
“Cocaine—It’s a helluva drug!” –Rick James.  James was notorious for substance abuse. He went to parties high. He went to bed high. He even covered his windows with aluminum foil to keep people from spying on him while he was high.

But James remained a loyal partygoer, a fiend looking for another hit of coke and a habitual user who, while high, felt as if he were kind of the world.
While you’re high, may feel a bit like James—inviolable, happy and a little horny. But cocaine can cause impotence and even premature ejaculation.  
Cocaine Dangers
Harvested from cocoa plants, Cocaine serves as a topical anesthetic that acts as a serotonin-norepinephrine-dopamine reuptake inhibitor. Aside from inhibiting necessary neurotransmitters, Cocaine acts as an aphrodisiac that most of time people think will enhance their sex drive and make them some sort of a superhero in the bedroom.

However, cocaine lowers sex because of the damaged altered levels of serotonin found in the body. 
Serotonin—It’s a Helluva Neurotransmitter!
Cocaine is a stimulant; serotonin is too. Each hit of cocaine damages the body’s production of self-stimulation. Think of it this way: say you love banana smoothies. Each time you taste your smoothie, your brain releases serotonin and dopamine to create the satisfaction and pleasure from each sip. Now imagine if a giant fly falls right into your decadent smoothie. Chances are, you’re desire to finish the smoothie will dissipate. 
Cocaine is that giant fly in your smoothie. It elevates your levels of serotonin in your body to make general, every-day activities fun. Once you get off the drug, all the activities that once created stimulation—sex, banana smoothies, Rick James on “The Dave Chappelle Show”—create a sense of disinterest because of the altered levels of self-stimulation created by serotonin.   
Finding the Help You Need

William Shakespeare said, “that drugs may add to desire, but they just as equally take away from performance.” While drugs remove from sexual satisfaction, males who have abused the drug for years may need a total detox of the chemical residue.

Natural remedies and solutions can balance serotonin levels in the body while eliminating all the hazardous toxins caused by cocaine. Thanks to all-natural solutions, men can regain their rock-hard erections to feel like they really are king—kings of the bedroom.

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Ideas: Men's,Impotence,cocaine

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