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Female Orgasm Difficulty & Hysterectomy

Occasionally, a hysterectomy may be necessary for health reasons or prevention of pregnancy.  A total hysterectomy is a surgery to remove the entire uterus (body, fundus, cervix), while a partial removes the uterine body but leaves the cervical stump. Either procedure has many adverse side effects:

  • Menopause starts 3.7 years earlier than average
  • 3 -7 times increased risk of cardiovascular disease
  • Increased risk of osteoporosis (decreased bone density) and risk of bone fractures
  • Increase bladder function problems, such as incontinence
  • Dry vagina, lack of natural lubrication during sex
  • Reduced testosterone, resulting in extreme lack of sexual desire

The loss of desire can also leave psychological scars, as the woman just doesn’t feel “sexy” anymore. When the vaginal nerves, arteries and ligaments that surround the uterus are severed to remove the uterus, the blood flow that carries nutrients to the clitoris, labia, vagina and ovaries is destroyed.

With age there’s a natural drop of the neurotransmitters acetylcholine and free testosterone, alongside a stress increase and dopamine decrease in the brain. The hormones responsible for libido are primarily produced by the ovaries and mainly stored by the uterus and cervix.

When the organs that produce and store sex hormones are removed by hysterectomy, with less hormones produced due to aging, sensitivity is greatly diminished with the remaining clitoris and outer vaginal nerves. The resulting low libido can make achieving orgasm very difficult.

But having a hysterectomy doesn’t mean having to settle for a poor sex life, as there are many helpful options.

While it may be difficult for a penis to stimulate the first 1-3 inches of the urethral nerves that are left, the Finger Pliers Technique can help find and satisfy this shallow G-spot zone.

Herbs that support the vagina, clitoris and libido include DHEA, a hormone produced naturally by the adrenal glands, Ginkgo Biloba, which improves blood circulation, and the aphrodisiacs Damiana, Yohimbe and horny goat weed.

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Views: 190

Ideas: Women's, Orgasm Difficulty, hysterectomy

GuideID: 61765

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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