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Coffee and Erections: Understanding the Connection
Coffee can cure your erectile issues. Yes, coffee that ubiquitous drink that more than 54 percent of Americans chug down every morning.

For some individuals, coffee serves as a necessity with breakfast and during the morning slog at work, while loads of sugar and cream can dilute coffee’s therapeutic benefits, moderate amounts of sugar and cream with coffee can benefit not just your erectile strength, but other areas of your health.  
The Downturn of Erectile Strength
As men age, the testosterone level decreases and blood flow tends to deplete. For men, a decrease both to the blood flow and testosterone can ruin erectile strength. Meanwhile, weight gain further depletes testosterone levels while high fats clog arteries that impede the proper flow of blood.

All of these factors will damage a man’s ability to maintain a healthy, strong erection during intercourse.

Coffee, Erections and Health Benefits
According to the Archives of Internal Medicine, researches found a substance known as methylxanthines that stimulated the central nervous system and functioned as smooth-muscle relaxants essential for stimulation. Men who drank coffee saw an improvement to their sexual stimulation.

Coffee may boost a man’s erectile strength, but it too can provide additional health benefits, including:
Antioxidants: Veggies and fruits come packed with antioxidants, but humans absorb more antioxidants from coffee than fruits and vegetables.

Stress Reduction: Walk into any office and you’ll likely smell a pot of coffee brewing. According to research studies, the smell of coffee can reduce stress, so keep the pot brewing while at work.

Beneficial to Your Liver: Individuals who indulge in alcohol may find coffee helpful for their liver. Why? According to studies, coffee lowered the chances of cirrhosis by 20 percent.  

Healthier Brain: Your brain can use a boost from caffeine. Scientists found that drinkers of coffee found a lower risk of Alzheimer’s.

Coffee may not substitute any erectile drugs, but it will provide a small boost to your sexual capacity. Meanwhile, a cup a day may eliminate other health woes that assail men and women. Granted, you’ll want to keep cream and sugar to a minimum.

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Ideas: Men's, Weak Erection, Coffee and Erections

GuideID: 61756

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