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"FOUL!" Yeast infections caused by birth control can be self-defeating

Millions of women take the pill to prevent pregnancy, right? It’s FDA approved and generally safe. But did you know that up to 15% of these women experience birth control complications in the form of developed yeast infections? Symptoms of abnormal discharge ranging in color from white to black, itching, blood spotting (even when not menstruating), are all accompanied by an unfortunate pungent odor.
Progestin, a steroid hormone used in hormone-based birth control, can be the cause of side effects such as heavy vaginal discharge when it is produced in excessive amounts that over-stimulate the cervix. Contributing to the ill effect is Conjugated Estrogen, a synthetic hormone commonly found in the pill. With progestin, they inadvertently cause blood spotting from the uterine lining that remains inside the vagina and mixes with cervical mucus. When the spotting blood is oxidized, the resulting vaginal discharge becomes dark black or brown, depending on the amount of blood and how long it was festering. Due to its presence, vaginal yeast becomes very active and propagates quickly. If it is left untreated for too long, the yeast blackens. As a result, you get yeast infections and quite unpleasant vaginal odors – usually of sour or fishy nature.
To reverse the damage caused by birth control medication, many progressive women rely on the all-natural approach of the Vaginal Relief & Detoxification Formula that is designed to rejuvenate the neuro-endocrine function, aid liver, uterus, and cervix detoxification, and boost the chemicals that are necessary for healing, such as prostaglandin E-1 & E-3, oxytocin and nitric oxide production.
Yeast infections can be treated effectively by any one of many herbal supplementation methods, such as Aloe, known for its healing effects. Aloe can be applied topically to relieve itching, taken internally, or used in a douche. The herb barberry has potent infection-fighting properties, while Calendula and vitamin A are known to sooth and heal sensitive areas. Goldenseal suppositories and extracts are useful for all types of infection and Chamomile has anti-fungal properties.
To prevent the yeast infections from recurring, one should supplement their diet with lactobacillus cultures (lactobacillus is known as a ‘good’ type of bacteria) that are important components of proper ph and chemical balance in the vagina. You can be found out more from Lactobacillus For Healthy Vagina section.

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Views: 226

Ideas: Women's, Vaginal Infection, Vaginal Odor

GuideID: 61680

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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