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How To Prevent Female Infertility Caused By Irregular Menstrual Cycle?
Nowadays women have intensive lives. They try to look their best. They have to work to support themselves. And they constantly fear becoming pregnant. But to experience the fun and excitement associated with sexual pleasure, women must engage in sex.
The fear of becoming pregnant can create stress. Some women have relied on cheap, traditional forms of birth control to prevent pregnancy, such as condoms and vaginal dams. But perhaps the most trusted and used form of birth control for women remains contraceptive pills.
While the pill may prove helpful in minimizing the chances of becoming pregnant, it too has shown insidious side effects. 

Keeping the Balance
Female bodies are sensitive toward hormonal changes. And all birth control pills do is trick the body into thinking it’s pregnant by altering the balance of hormones. During a state of pregnancy the body no longer releases an egg. By taking birth control, the body manages to elevate or decrease its level of estrogen and proestrogen.

Years of elevated or lowered levels of these hormones can lead to irregular menstrual cycles that can cause female infertility.
Birth control pills stop pregnancy by either preventing menstruation or stopping the pituitary gland from producing hormones. Progesterone, a common hormone produced by the pituitary gland, may be decreased after taking contraceptive pills. Years of decreased proestrogen can trick the body into producing less of the chemical.

When women stop taking the pills, the body may not produce the same amount of hormones it once did, resulting in infertility issues.
Symptoms of an Irregular Menstrual Cycle
Hormonal disorders change the regularity and process of the menstrual cycle. And most women who abuse birth control pills may experience the following:
  • Inconsistent menstrual cycles
  • Bleeding that appears more often than normal
  • Menstrual bleeding occurring more than a week
  • Spotting or heavy flow 
Find the Balance

In order to remove the cause of the potential condition of female infertility, women should avoid the problem that leads to it. Change stressful lifestyles. Avoid alcohol and caffeine, stimulants that can alter hormonal balance. Exercise more and maintain a balanced diet.

Furthermore, take herbal remedies that can restore the natural condition of the endocrine system and that eliminate toxins from the liver to create a more balanced hormonal state.

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Views: 216

Ideas: Women's, Female Infertility, birth control pills

GuideID: 60124

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