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Masturbate Yourself into Exhaustion – The Culprit to Your P.E. Problem

Masturbation is a healthy sexual behavior. Every man masturbates. Doctors do it. Professors do it. Sexual Experts do it, too. When addiction or excessive performance of the act occurs, individuals can have both psychological and physiological imbalances 

For instance, excessive masturbation before or during puberty is detrimental for growth prospective. Frequent masturbation and ejaculation over stimulate neurotransmitters and parasympathetic nervous functions, resulting in the over production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters, such as acetylcholine, dopamine and serotonin. 

Abundant and unusually high amounts of these hormones and neurotransmitters can cause the brain and adrenal glands to perform excessive dopamine-norepinephrine-epinephrine conversion, turning the brain and body functions sympathetic that lead to weaker control over ejaculation.

Many premature ejaculation patients believed that masturbating an hour or two before intercourse would help them delay ejaculation during sex. Initially the concept worked; however, premature ejaculation sufferers reported that this worsened their problem in the long run. Frequent masturbation weakens the nerves responsible for ejaculation control and conditions the brain to have a quicker release of ejaculation.

If you are under 35 years of age and suffering from premature ejaculation, you can reverse this problem. Stop masturbating and give your body a rest. Try natural solutions, such as Taoist's Natural Ejaculation Control Technique and Herbal Nourish Pills For Premature Ejaculation.

The Nourishing Pills also help men that sufferring from various sexual exhaustion symptoms, such as chronic fatigue, buzzing ear, hair loss, eye floaters, seminal leakage, lower back pain, weak erection, or penis shrinkage caused by excessive masturbation before puberty.

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Views: 318

Ideas: Male, excessive masturbation, premature ejaculation

GuideID: 61396

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