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Astragalus Spaghetti Meat Sauce For Chronic Fatigue

This sauce contains a combination of herbs that is aimed to strengthen the immune and endocrine systems to better combat the adrenal fatigue that is a result of sexual exhaustion. It also increases appetite and allows for better absorption of its many nutrients.  
Taken regularly, this sauce will have you feeling energetic and spry for a prolonged period of time. The inclusion of Astragulus and Jujube provide the amino acids and trace minerals necessary for invigorating your overall energy level. It can strengthen your immunity to infections and has absolutely no side effects.

40 g of Astragalus
15 g Red Jujubes
½ lb  of ground pork
1 oz of dried black mushrooms
2 Tablespoons of dried baby shrimp
4 Tablespoon of soy sauce
1 Tablespoon of rice wine
1 Tablespoon of sugar
1 Teaspoon of salt (or sea salt)


  1. Rinse the astragalus roots and red jujubes thoroughly
  2. Cut the jujubes in half and discard the pits. 
  3. Add 5 cups water and bring to a boil.
  4. Turn the heat to low and simmer until the soup reduces to 2 cups and discard the dregs.
  5. Wash the black mushrooms, soak in warm water until soft.
  6. Discard the stems and dice the black mushrooms.
  7. Soak the dried baby shrimp for a while, drain and chop fine. 
  8. Heat a wok, add 2 tablespoon of oil and heat. 
  9. Stir-fry the mushrooms and shrimp until fragrant. 
  10. Add ground pork and stir-fry until the fat oozes out of the pork.
  11. Add the soy sauce, rinse wine, sugar, salt, herb soup, and 1 cup water and bring to a boil.
  12. Turn the heat to low, cover and simmer for 50 minutes. 

Pour the herb sauce over boiled spaghetti and serve.

This is a seriously delicious way to enjoy the benefits of energy herbs. Food supplementation is always a good method of consuming nutrients. The concentration of potent ingredients are minute and are often diluted to avoid any nasty taste, so it will take much longer to see any significant improvement. If your condition is severe, try concentrated supplements from Herbal Treatment For Chronic & Adrenal Fatigue.

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Views: 466

Ideas: Male, excessive masturbation, chronic fatigue

GuideID: 61372

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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