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CNIDIUM - An Herb for Skin and Sex

Cnidium is a popular herb with many medicinal properties that primarily grows throughout China. Of benefit to many, the plant and seed both have qualities that are anti-itch, aphrodisiacal, anti-rheumatic, anti-fungal, astringent, and sedative. It has a pleasant odor and is typically golden in color. In contrast to the aroma, the seeds taste pungently bitter. Cnidium contains the organic chemicals archangelicin, columbianetin, O-acetylcolumbianetin, and, of course, cnidiadin and cnidimine, all of which induce nitric oxide production (needed for erections) and prevent against oxidative damages.
Since early times, the seeds have most commonly been used for skin disorders, usually in the area of the genitals. Mixing ground cinidium seeds with water and applying the concoction to the infected area can effectively treat itchy skin, rashes, eczema and ringworm.
When used in combination with herbs such as cuscuta and schisandra, cnidium can treat infertility and impotence; in fact, in China, it has been used as an aphrodisiac for centuries. It is widely believed to be a superb longevity herb and an excellent sexual tonic and stimulant. Herbal suppositories for both sexes often utilize cnidium as the key ingredient. It’s believed to enhance female fertility, increase sperm count, and aggressively promote sex drives in both men and women.
Cnidium has been given a Class I rating by the American Herbal Products Association. ‘Class I’ indicates that it is safe when administered moderately. Always check with your doctor before taking any herbal remedy. Cnidium is a very potent herb. It’s included in the wildly popular herbal formulas, the Botanical Solution For Erectile Dysfunction and the Anti Aging Solution For Erectile Tissues. By taking cnidium in the context of these formulas, you will be receiving its maximum benefits, as the remedies are engineered to get the most of out of the chemistry and synergy of the herbal mixture.

Perhaps ancient Traditional Chinese Medicine text describes the action of cnidium best, claiming that it will, “govern swelling and damp itching of the genitals, strengthening the ability of male genitalia to have children”. Who couldn’t use that?!

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Views: 424

Ideas: Low male libido, weak erection, and female libido

GuideID: 60824

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