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The Decline of Testosterone…and the trail of dysfunction

As a man gets older, his testosterone levels typically decrease approximately 1% every year after the age of 35. That’s a whopping 10% depletion each decade thereafter. In some men, the loss of testosterone is even greater. It is in these cases that complications such as erectile dysfunction are the most prevalent. Men who suffer from such sexual dysfunction are more likely to have problems with personal and professional relationships. They may incur deep bouts of depression and develop the emotional defense state of denial.
After all, testosterone is the hormone with the most profound effect on the male body. The most dominant in the family of male hormones known as androgens, it is also present in females where it is needed to maintain bone density, libido and, yup, even mood.
But it is in men that testosterone predominantly controls the primary and secondary sex characteristics. The development of muscles, growth of facial hair, deepening of the voice, and emergence of libido are all directly attributed to the presence of testosterone. Physically, a lack of it can manifest itself in many adverse forms. From weight gain to decreased bone density to the softening of muscles to general burnout, the male psyche becomes a virtual victim of the absence of testosterone. When you throw sexual dysfunction into the mix, all signs point to, “this is bad”.
Naturally, the best recommendation for anyone suffering from symptoms related to a testosterone imbalance is to consult a doctor. Measurements of the amounts of testosterone in your blood will probably be taken. In order to confirm a deficiency, several tests may be needed as testosterone levels vary throughout the day.
Once common potential causes for the disorder are ruled out – like alcohol or drug abuse or side effects of prescription meds – the root of the problem requires attention. Many sufferers who were not keen on the injections, implants, or gels that are common to Testosterone Replacement Therapy found relief in the form of medicinal herbs as administered by Traditional Chinese Medicine.
Any type of established treartment will likely provide adequate levels of hormone replacement, yet they all have potential pros and cons. Serious side effects can emerge, depending on the physiology of the person in question. You know yourself best. When it comes to something as serious as treating your sexual dysfunction, always begin by asking your doctor for an opinion and doing a little research on your own to find the method of treatment that would work best for you.

Testosterone Statistics

Total Testosterone

  • Total Testosterone is a measurement of all of the testosterone in a given blood sample. It contains free testosterone, testosterone-bound to SHBG, and Testosterone-bound to albumin.

Total Testosterone

  • Free Testosterone is a small portion of testosterone not bound to SHBG or albumin. It normally accounts for less than 3% in the blood.

Bioavailable Testosterone

30 - 39 years12.84 (pg/ml)
30 - 49 years12.42 (pg/ml)
50 - 59 years11.38 (pg/ml)
60 - 69 years10.71 (pg/ml)
70 years +8.89 (pg/ml)
Average For All Grouops10.66 (pg/ml)

Does Testosterone Protect Against Heart Attacks?

Recent research shows a surprising benefit to testosterone. It can lower your cholesterol by increasing 2 important enzymes (hepatic lipase and scavenger receptor B1) that are involved in the Reverse Cholesterol Transport process. Reverse Cholesterol Transport is a process where HDL removes cholesterol from the arterial wall and transports them back to the liver for recycling. Therefore higher levels of testosterone can help reduce plaque build up and avoid heart attacks. [1] [2]

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Views: 235

Ideas: Men's,Impotence,Low Sex Drive,Male Menopause

GuideID: 60757

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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