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The White Discharge - Identifying the causes of unusually colored vaginal secretions

Vaginal health is of utmost importance. A standard factor in the vagina’s welfare is its pH balance, which is a measurement of acidity. The purpose of the vagina’s acidic nature is to serve as active protection against maladies such as yeast infections (the most common), vaginitis and/or vaginosis. Symptoms of such infections include inflammation, irregular odor, and discharge.
Since the vaginas pH is at its lowest level before and during a woman’s period, an increase of discharge during this time is normal. Clear discharge is a common sign of ovulation. When the optimal pH balance of the vagina is compromised, the resulting invading germs will be responsible for abnormal excretions.
If the discharge is of a light white consistency, it’s usually not an indication of a severe condition; it is probably a mild infection that can be cleared up quickly. Symptoms of a yeast infection generally range between thin or thick discharge of predominantly white color (bacterial infection discharge will be off-white to yellow). However, if it is excessive, white, thick and odorless - like cottage cheese - a yeast outgrowth of considerable gravity has occurred and a doctor should be consulted immediately. Sexually transmitted diseases like Gonorrhoea will result in creamy white or yellow odorless secretions and also require immediate medical attention. White discharge expelled at the beginning and end of the menstrual cycle, or before the birth of a baby, is normal.
To help treat and prevent white discharge due to infections, keep the vagina, labia and clitoris clean. Regular douching is helpful. The area between the anus and the vulva should especially be hygienic and kept dry, as this is where bacteria are most often spread. Also, natural herbal formulas such as the Botanical Tincture For Abnormal Vaginal Discharge are proven effective. They often utilize Phellodendron to combat the infections and fungal transmissions associated with the discharge. Dong Quai, a unique and powerful tonic that is often used to treat irregular menstruation, abdominal pain, constipation, and anemia, is also a common ingredient in these popular natural remedies.

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Views: 198

Ideas: Vaginal Infection, Bacterial infection

GuideID: 60716

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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