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Sex Position: Shotgun!

Men, you’ll be riding as the passenger in this vehicle of love, but you won’t mind the change in scenery. Ladies, you may be the driver of the pleasure, but you won’t regret it. With two free hands, ladies, you’re free to masturbate. Men, meanwhile, will provide a loving embrace to heighten your intimacy.
Men, you’ll want to start by kneeling down. Once in position, ladies, you will want to sit on your partner's lap facing away from him. Bend your knees to allow for maximum penetration. And once in place, ladies, you can start the self-pleasuring.

Why She ’ll Love It:

With two free hands, the possibilities are almost limitless. You can masturbate. You can grab his head to acknowledge what a great job he’s doing. You can play with your breast. You can even read a book (okay, maybe not).

Freedom of your hands aside, you too have your partner’s loving embrace to comfort you. He can hug you; he can kiss you; he can even whisper his most intimate of desires to you from this position.

Why He’ll Love It:

If your lady has asked for more intimacy, give it to her with this position. You can hug her tightly. Kiss her neck. You can even massage her clitoris and her breasts. While you massage her, you too will feel the added pleasure of a deeper penetration.

Because her legs will be spread apart during this ride, you’ll have access to a deeper insertion.

About This Position:

Sex Position Number: 100
Difficulty: Novice
Pleasure for Him: High
Pleasure for Her: Medium
Not Suitable For: Vaginal Insensitivity
Other Positions You May Like: Giddy Up, Girl!
Ideal Penis Size: N/A
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: Low

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Views: 1567

Ideas: Male low libido, female low libido, sexual posture

GuideID: 60508

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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