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The Diet Epidemic: How Foods can Lead to Infertility
Infertility was once thought to be the result of aging eggs. For example, the chances of a woman aged 35 or older to experience natural conception due to peri-menopause diminished greatly. Over the past 10 years, healthy women in their early 20s have been experiencing infertility, creating contradictions to the theory.

And while scientists remain diligent in discovering why 20-year-old women experience infertility, many experts continue to speculate that diet may be the cause for the new-aged epidemic. Even more experts remain convinced that all-natural methods can help boost the chances of fertility.
Sugar: The Lead Cause of Infertility
Over the past 20 years, type II diabetes has seen a proliferation. Drinks, snacks and meals with high sugar volumes have attributed to the problem, but so too has poor exercise and genetic makeup. While swaths of campaigns have attempted to impede the problem, children remain exposed to sugary foods that lead to insulin resistance, body cells that can no longer take and use insulin necessary for the removal of glucose in the body.
High levels of insulin even cause increased fat storage and disrupt normal ovarian hormone production, which increases certain hormones and prevents proper ovulation. Excess body fat causes hormonal imbalances by damaging the function of the hypothalamus and pituitary glands, secreting abnormal amounts of insulin. This increase in insulin and fat tissue can eventually lead to anovulation, the loss of ovulation.
Genetically Modified Organisms--The Dangers
Genetically Modified Organisms, known as GMOs, are genetically foods where the genes are removed, replaced or altered. Genetically modified foods contort characteristics from their DNA structure in the process called “spliced”. Spliced foods can alter the properties of foods, for example the fish gene, which resists cold, injected into strawberries provides more resistant to frost.
And in a recent study by The American Academy of Environmental Medicine, genetically modified corn was linked to infertility caused by GMO foods.  Those who regularly ingest GMO foods are more likely to be sick, age faster and have a harder time getting (and staying) pregnant.
In study after study, the effects of fertility were alarming, claim researchers. In one report, the testicles of some animals actually changed colors from a normal pink to an alarming blue after being fed GMO produced feed. In addition, sperm was shown to be altered, resulting in fewer pregnancies overall. DNA too has shown alterations after ingesting even the smallest amount of GMO foods.

Female animals being studied showed an alarming increase in an inability to get pregnant as well as a spike in premature births; low birth weight babies and infant moralities after being fed a regular diet of GMO.
Gluten--The silent Fertility Killer
Gluten is a kind of protein that tends to exist in carbohydrates, including wheat, barley and rye. Some individuals experience difficulties digesting the chemical, and because Gluten is a known hormone disruptor, it can contribute to problems with conception.
In a recent research study, Doctors identified that women with gluten problems had much higher rates of unexplained infertility. The study demonstrated increased rates of gluten intolerance present in women were linked to both pelvic inflammatory disorders and polycystic ovarian syndrome, the two most common forms of infertility linked to gluten sensitivity.

It is a known scientific fact that nutrition affects every cell and system in the human body; fertility is no exception. Careful perusal of food labels before purchase is a must to avoid ingestion of unnecessary chemicals or sugars.  Processed foods, produce and meats may contain GMOs, so be mindful of your selections.

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Views: 403

Ideas: Women's, Female Infertility, unhealthy diet

GuideID: 60244

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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