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Holy Shilajit! Restore Your Sex Life With This Therapeutic Extract
My friend Lin and I were catching up. Seated in a café, speaking English, we knew almost no one would understand what we were saying, and that gave us the confidence to tell all about our intimate adventures. Halfway through the recitation of her newest bedroom habits, however, I found myself silently wondering what the hell she was talking about.
Heart-pounding desire? Throbbing members? Multiple orgasms? Come on, Lin, I said, you don’t need to make out like it’s a romance novel, you can’t fool me. But she insisted. Then she started spouting off about shilajit, which she and her boyfriend had both just begun taking. I assumed it was another Asian aphrodisiac I hadn’t heard of, and laughed her off, but when I got home, I was curious enough to do my own research.
The Jewel of the Orient
I’d gone my whole life without ever hearing a whisper of this “shilajit”, or its other names: “silajit, salajeet or mumijo, momia and moomiyo” (thanks, Wikipedia!). But digging deeper and deeper into the science surrounding this surprising substance made me begin to question my own incredulousness.
There are multiple studies published on what shilajit is and how it affects the body. The strangest thing about shilajit is where it comes from. It seems to ooze out from the humus layer in the high Himalayas, compressed by the pressure of the rocks, and softened during the warmer summer months. Before being processed, it contains a lot of things, including mineral traces, fulvic acid, and phytochemicals.
After processing, you should be left without heavy metals, and only a lot of pure, humic goodness. Don’t freak out! Humic means it’s derived from humus. That means it’s good. Shilajit contains huge amounts of organic material—that’s what’s going to give you that bedroom boost. Fulvic acid is an extremely powerful type of antioxidant; it’s a colloid, and once inside the body attracts all those tiny little free radicals into it’s sticky colloidal net, and is then passed through the body.
I’m sure you’ve heard about how antioxidants promote a healthy body through preventing tissue damage, and restoring life to already aged tissues. Foods like pomegranates, blueberries, and Noni berries became hugely popular due to this mechanism. However, the fulvic acid in shilajit is a much higher amount than in any of the above foods. Strengthened veins pump sex organs full of blood, allowing for increased sensation and pleasure. Revitalized tissues make sex close and comfortable.
Power to the Plants
The phytochemicals in shilajit are what promote multiple orgasms and enhanced desire. Phytochemicals balance the body’s hormonal systems. During normal sex, the body both uses and creates several different kinds of hormones. With shilajit’s hormone stabilizing effect, the important chemicals are quickly restored, while the negative ones are processed and removed.
In this way it becomes much easier to enjoy multiple orgasms, while men can rebound much quickly, and last longer. It also boosts the libidinous urges of both sexes, with men amped on testosterone, and women vamping on estrogen. And with estrogen comes oxytocin, and with oxytocin comes o-r-g-a-s-m-s!
Shilajit was proving to be a lot more than just another aphrodisiac. I was pleased to see some good, hard science behind a bedroom aid. Detoxifying, balancing, toning, and strengthening—these are the kind of effects that really do put zing into your boudoir. A few days later I met up with Lin again and told her I’d done some fact checking on her story… and that I wanted to try some for myself!

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Views: 202

Ideas: Women's, Low Sex Drive, Shilajit

GuideID: 60150

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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