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Hot Flashes Be Gone!
So you’ve been told you’ve hit menopause, and you just want it to be over. You understand your menses cycle is ending and you are accepting but you would like the process to be done with. Sometimes it seems like menopause has become the grab bag of symptoms; you never quite know how you will wake up. If one of your symptoms is the instant sauna of hot flashes…keep reading.
As menopause is your body ending the natural process of fertility, naturally hot flashes may accompany all those hormonal fluctuations. A hot flash is usually brought on by a low amount of estrogen and the body trying to ‘jump-start’ itself by kicking in more. Hot flashes occurring at night are called ‘night sweats’. The hot flash can feel like a temperature adjustment from the inside of your being all the way to the hotness of the surface of your skin. 
Hot flashes can be uncomfortable, embarrassing, visual with a temporary flush to the face, may cause anxiety as you try to calm and cool yourself, and is in no way under your control. You want to be composed and not have to carry around a fan in your purse or call extra attention to yourself. You want to simply have your body finish its natural ending cycle in peace, so you can look forwards to the beginning cycle of your life after menopause. You maybe don’t want to keep being reminded you are still in menopause.
Ready to give your fan a break?
As menopause is a natural process, we can look to nature for some natural relief solutions. Nature is there for us. Natural hot flashes relief solutions include Black Cohosh and Dong Quai. Interesting that Black Cohosh is highly revered for going through the shadow side of your life, this herb helps to face your fears and go through them for acceptance and no resistance as you come through to the other side. As spiritual medicine Black Cohosh has its place.

From the perspective of working with the earthly body Black Cohosh is a stand-in for estrogen. When you have estrogen circulating in the body, the body will not need to ‘jump-start’ itself with any estrogen thereby giving the ‘rush’ of a hot flash. Dong Quai can be considered the peace-maker and balancer of any hormone fluctuations. Dong Quai helps to ‘set the mood’.
A quick and easy technique to help when the hot flash arrives can be a simple self reflexology treatment for menopause. It has been said that the feet are a map of the keys to the body. You can take a look at the map of your feet and applied specified pressure to targeted points on the feet.

This may unlock the inner healing potential you already have and can be a fun, soothing, learning lesson. Be kind to your feet and give them some love as they carry you through this world.

May your hot flashes subside and be the last hoorah for your menopause!

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Views: 199

Ideas: Women's, Menopause, hot flashes

GuideID: 60033

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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