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A Race Against Time: Dual Cock Rings Help Men and Women of All Ages Enjoy Sex
Alicia, 39, thought her sex life was finished. Divorced with four kids, she felt harried and harassed, not at all like the petite vixen she had been 20 years ago. Her ex-husband, meanwhile, had long moved forward with his life and remarried to young, blonde nurse.
“I hated my ex for moving on,” she remembers. “I hated myself for feeling so old and useless.”
Daniel, 48, lived in a similar situation. He hadn’t had sex in years, not since he and his wife divorced. His confidence was shaky and, as a grandpa, he didn’t feel that zest for life he’d once enjoyed.
“I thought love was for young people,” he says. “I’d forgotten what sex was. I didn’t even masturbate because my erections weren’t as hard as when I was younger. I figured I was down for the count.”
A Turn of Events
Daniel’s son recognized his down-in-the-dumps attitude and encouraged Daniel to join an online dating site. Daniel finally acquiesced and created his profile. As luck would have it, Alicia joined the same dating site – not at the encouragement of her children, but because she thought returning to the dating scene would spark her energy.
“I was single for four years after 14 years of marriage,” she says. “I needed to do something for me.”
Alicia and Daniel made a connection and, after chatting several times, decided to meet. They went to bed that night, fueled by mutual attraction and need.
“It felt good to want somebody the way I wanted Alicia,” Daniel recalls. “I hadn’t felt passion in years.”
Trouble in the Sheets
But all was not a bed of roses for this couple. They moved a bit awkwardly in bed, both hindered by mounting insecurity. When the time came for intercourse, Daniel’s erection was drooping and Alicia couldn’t orgasm.
“Our sexual problems had nothing to do with how we felt about each other,” Daniel says. “I fell in love with Alicia at first sight. She was so warm, so beautiful. My problem was age. I wanted to get hard, but I couldn’t.”
Alicia agrees. “Daniel was wonderful from the moment I met him. But I needed more sexual stimulation than he could provide. My clitoris wasn’t as sensitive as it had been years ago.”
The two wanted to keep trying sex but realized they needed some help. Remembering their younger days, when sex and excitement filled their bodies like air in a balloon, they decided to get a little kinky. They ordered a dual cock ring to stimulate them both. (SEE: Dual Pleasure Cock Ring for Added Erection Strength)
Better Than Ever
“Sex toys aren’t just for people in their 20s and 30s,” Alicia says. “I’d never used one with my ex-husband, so I thought now with Daniel was the perfect opportunity.”
“We promised ourselves no embarrassment, no shyness, just pleasure,” Daniel agrees. “And that’s what we got.”
Alicia explains they selected a dual cock ring because it solved all the problems they were having in bed. “The cock ring fit on Daniel’s penis and helped him keep an erection,” she says. “I could feel his hardness. The attached vibrator also excited him and stimulated my clitoris. I can honestly say the first night we tried it was the best sex I’ve ever had. I orgasmed twice.”
“I didn’t think about what I was doing,” Daniel says. “I just did it. I put the cock ring on and made love to Alicia. Happily, I can tell you I was as hard as a teenager. When I came, it was better than ever.”

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Ideas: Men's, Weak Erection, male orgasm disorder

GuideID: 60011

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