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Hmm, Let Me Think - You Need Vinpocetine!
Think of the brain as one giant web of interconnected wires. Together, these wires manage to relay signals to and from various parts of the body. Now think of the brain cells as tiny capsules of memory units. Each plays an integral role in helping you remember important information, like your wife’s birthday, her favorite color panties or her name. Brian cells also help you recall not so important information—like what you ate five minutes ago or the giant spider you killed.

Brian cells, like any other body cell, requires nutrients to survive. A lack in nutrients can kill off cells, resulting in forgetfulness and concentration issues. But what causes a lack of nutrients? Poor eating habits? Sure. What about drugs and alcohol? You bet. And sex? Oh yes. All of these habits can lead to poor memory and even worse concentration skills.

Sex seems like the most unlikely candidate for causing memory issues, but sex is a stressful activity that exudes energy and hormone supplies. Sex, like any activity, requires energy. It too requires a multitude of hormones and neurochemicals working together to power an erection or sex drive. Dopamine provides stimulation; serotonin the ejaculation control. Testosterone gets the blood flowing to the penis, while estrogen burns up testosterone to keep the sex drive alive.

Over-masturbation and sex deplete the body of these chemical interactions. The sudden dearth in essential hormones and chemicals, like Phosphatidylserine, causes a decrease in cognitive abilities. Men who once remembered their wedding anniversary forget. Men who once had great concentration skills daydream more often.

Vinpocetine’s Role
Vinpocetine is an herbal extract revered for its ability at improving memory and concentration. Thanks to the chemicals properties of the extract, men and women can
  • Experience improved cognitive abilities
  • See enhanced concentration
  • Witness better memory skills
  • Notice a decrease in mood swings and an up tick in sex drive
If you continue to doze off at work, lack focus in school or just cannot remember basic information any more due to over-masturbation, try Vinpocentine or formula containing it today:

Promoting Postive Thinking - Mind Nutrition For Positive Thinking
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Views: 534

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, poor memory

GuideID: 59811

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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