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Hormonal & Physiological Changes Caused By Over Masturbation

Achieving an orgasm is one of the most pleasurable feelings we experience in our lifetime. For that reason, many men either pursue frequent sexual encounters or masturbate often in lieu of sexual activity. However, an orgasm is a very intense, physiological process that, if done in excess, can lead to sexual exhaustion.

Physiological Changes

Sexual exhaustion is a byproduct of excessive masturbation and ejaculation. Exhaustion will cause your concentration to fade. Your memory will follow suit, and even your libido will start to dissipate. Your once voracious desire for sex will be nonexistent, while your once rock-hard erections will remain flaccid or weak during sex.
The problem for most sexually exhausted individuals is simple: masturbation and sex have ruined their basic human desires. The solution is more complex. Refraining from masturbating will help, but the body’s chemistry has been altered, damaging the nerves and resulting in an imbalance of hormones.
Frequent masturbation and ejaculation stimulate the acetylcholine/parasympathetic nervous functions excessively, resulting in the over-production of sex hormones and neurotransmitters such as acetylcholine, dopamine, and serotonin.  As a result, the body's ability to modulate the hypothalamus and adrenal functions has been diminished.  In this state, the body releases excessive fight-or-flight hormones, overworking the adrenal glands and overheating the body causing it to sweat abnormally from the heightened stress. 

Hormonal Changes

People who suffer from sexual exhaustion experience a dearth in hormones and neuro-growth factors. A dearth in hormones can cause the following:

In order to combat the unbalanced hormones and neuro-growth factors, males can take all-natural supplements to properly balance and cleanse the body.  For example Herbal Remedy contains adaptogenic herbs, such as Alisma Plantago, Ginkgo Biloba, and Siberian Ginseng, which balance the impairments produced by chronic stress without interfering with the valuable short-term stress responses. 
The benefits of adaptogenic herbs include:

  • Exerting system-wide protective and restorative effects
  • Lowering the presence of cortisol, a stress hormone that can ruin a man’s erection
  • Increasing the efficiency of oxygen utilization
  • Modulating stress responses and enhancing immunity
  • Combating aging cognitive functions
High Cortisol Level 

The liver is tasked with detoxifying and producing biochemicals necessary for the body. When too many biochemicals are produced, such as in the case of too much sex, the liver impedes the production of key chemicals that transmit nerve impulses that ensure healthy blood flow. Likewise, the adrenal glands and testes stop producing chemicals necessary for testicular function, such as DHEA and testosterone.
Excessive ejaculation depletes the body of essential hormones, nutrients, while increasing metabolite byproducts and stress hormones, such as cortisol. Short-term bursts of cortisol are necessary to help the body recover from the effects of stress and to boost sugar levels for immediate energy levels. However, when an individual produces too much cortisol, the body begins to pull calcium from the bones, reduces the response to pain, alters moods, and lowers immunity.
If over-masturbation or over-ejaculation persists, the stress hormone will remain high and continue to have insidious repercussions on the body. You need to take herbal remdy to recover from sexual exhaustion & dysfunction. The body needs a respite from the cycle of abuse as well as a proactive regiment of supplements to full recovery.

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Views: 658

Ideas: Male, excessive masturbation, hormones

GuideID: 59630

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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