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Reversing The Effects of Over Masturbation – A Painful Journey of Recovery

I am 28-years old. I had a healthy and active childhood with very few periods of illness. At 15, I started masturbating everyday, even two to three times a day. At that stage I was perfectly normal with a very high sex drive, a strong erection, and no hint of premature ejaculation. My semen was also copious and thick. I continued my daily schedule. I did not feel tired or exhausted and thought this was a normal ejaculation frequency. At 17, I got interested in heavy weight training and would go to the gym regularly, three or four times a week, and lift heavy weights. I continued weight training and daily ejaculation until I was 19-years old. By the time I was 19, my semen was thin and not voluminous and I had quite a severe premature ejaculation problem. However, I felt that I was young and as soon as I gave up masturbating my body would go back to normal very quickly. I was also having erections practically all night long. One day when I was twenty, I realized I was having erection problems. I cut down my ejaculation to about three or four times a week.

But six months later, I started having severe burning sensations (only after ejaculation) in my lower abdomen, around the area of my seminal vesicles, approximately four inches below on both sides approximately three inches to the left and right of my belly button. After this point, I stopped ejaculating completely; the only time I would ejaculate would be in a wet dream. This happened approximately once every one or two weeks. Each time this would happen, I would not feel pleasure or sensation at the time, but I would wake up with wet clothes and a severe burning sensation in my lower abdomen.
By the time I was 21 I was looking tired. My hair was falling out and my skin was very dry. I had also developed acne, which was strange, as I had never had acne before in my life and I had no sex urge. I was aging prematurely and I was told I looked about 25 or 26. I then went to a conventional doctor, thinking he would be able to help me. He could not understand what the problem was and thought that maybe I had picked up a disease. I told him I had not had any contact with a woman. He became very confused and could not help me as he thought that ejaculation frequency made no difference.
I then abandoned all conventional doctors, as I was convinced the frequency was the problem and so started studying different medical philosophies and chose Chinese Medicine. I went to a Chinese therapist whom seemed to understand my problem and prescribed me some herbs. Unfortunately, these were too Yang for my body and I developed an unquenchable thirst. At this point I was drinking six liters of water a day. I gave up these herbs and went back to him where he gave me some other herbs. I took these for about three months, but these proved of little benefit.
At 24, I went to another Chinese Herbalist and took his medicine for about six months, but the problem was that these would often cause weekly emissions. After the emissions, I would get worse with lower abdominal burning sensations. After I was given some herbs to specifically reduce the swelling in this area, large spots appeared on my face. Due to this reason, I had to discontinue this particular formula about two weeks after starting them. I was convinced I had to find a way to stop these night emissions, as this was more important than taking herbs. And so stopped taking these herbs after six months.
For the next three years, I did not take any herbs or treatment. Though I was physically fit in every other way, ate well, I tried to remain as stress-free as possible, but the problem still remained. Fortunately, my nightly emissions were now only fortnightly so I started feeling a little stronger.
Two years ago, I had started reading about long-term fasting and how it was often used as a cure for conditions that were often difficult to cure (like arthritis etc). It gave the body a chance to clean and repair itself and harnessed the innate power of the human body to attain equilibrium and hence cure itself. So last August I undertook a professionally supervised, over twenty day fast where I only took distilled water and absolutely nothing else, in the hope that my body would be able to find the solution. After twenty-three days, I had naturally lost a lot of weight. Unfortunately, it seems as though the fast was unable to help cure me and I am still suffering from the same problem (a low sex drive, weak erection, and thin semen with burning sensation upon discharge), although I have improved much physically in terms of endurance and general physical conditioning.
Finally last year, a major breakthrough had happened to me. I had sought help from experts through this website. I was told that me my problem was due to the deficiency of Human Growth Hormones (HGH), DHEA, and testosterone due to over masturbation in adolescence and burning out the neurotransmitters acetylcholine and dopamine. Since I don't have much left in my bioelectric charge system -- the parasympathetic nervous subsystem and its associated organs are low in bioelectricity -- I began to take herbal remedy. The first sign of my recovery was my fingers, toes, and penis tip became quite warm. Nightly emissions began to go away. My sex drive began to come back. I have practiced the Anal Breathing Technique to inhibit the sexual drive to avoid the fatal mistake of excessive masturbation. I am feeling better and stronger. My erections are harder than before and I can maintain it longer. I think I am 65-85% recovered. I will post further info at the BBS to share…

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Views: 1103

Ideas: Men's, Over Masturbation, Premature Ejaculation

GuideID: 59623

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