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Urethritis - Nightmare For Guys

Like a mini water canal, the urethra carries urine—and a man’s sperm--from the bladder to the genitals for removal. Each year, thousands of men contract urethritis, a condition where the urethra becomes inflamed and infected, cause urine to burn, itchiness, redness at the end of the penis, and pus or mucous discharge. While females can contract urethritis too, it seems to be more common in males.
The causes of urethritis include substances irritation; i.e., creams, lotions, soap and spermicides; sexually transmitted diseases, including gonorrhea and chlamydia; and  excessive sex or masturbation.
Physicians classify urethritis as either non-gonococcal, containing infectious and non-infectious causes, or gonococcal.  In men, purulent discharge usually indicates a urethritis of gonococcal nature, while clear discharge indicates urethritis of non-gonococcal nature.  Urethritis is difficult to diagnose in women because discharge may not be present and painful urination presenting the only symptom.

Natural Solutions
The following herbs will help fight urethritis infection, relieve pain and strengthen the urinary system: Cranberry, Green Tea, Cat’s Claw and Bromelain. 

  1. Cranberry Remedy with Hisbiscus will help promote kidney health
  2. Green Tea will proliferate antioxidants, anticancer and immune effects.
  3. Cat's Claw is great for anticancer, immune, and antibacterial or antifungal activity
  4. Bromelain will reduces pain and inflammation.

 Other natural steps an individual can take to fight urethritis:

  • Try to eliminate food allergens, including dairy, wheat, corn, preservatives, and food additives.
  • Eat antioxidant foods, such as blueberries, cherries, tomatoes, squash and bell peppers.
  • Avoid refined foods such as white breads, pastas, and sugar.
  • Eat fewer red meats and consume more lean meats and cold-water fish. 
  • Use healthy cooking oils, such as olive oil or vegetable oil. 
  • Reduce or eliminate trans-fatty acids. 
  • Avoid coffee, alcohol, and tobacco. 
  • Exercise regularly.
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Views: 226

Ideas: Men's, Low Sex Drive, Penis Pain & Injury

GuideID: 59194

Guide Type: Hot Topics

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