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Sex Position: Woman Overboard!
Woman Overboard will look like an ostentatious position to perform, but the extra effort will make each thrust worthwhile. Women will dictate the flow of traffic, but with this added control will heighten stimulation. Ladies, once you get into position, you’ll want to use your pubic bone to press your clitoris against his leg.
Men should lie on their backs. Ladies will climb on top and lie sideways. Once in position, ladies should intertwine their legs with their partners'. For insertion, you’ll need to wiggle your body  to get the penis to penetrate. Remember, you’re sideways; he’s not.
Why She’ll Love It:
Because ladies will control the tempo, each thrust should stimulate your clitoris when in place. Ladies, you too will be able to feel a deeper penetration from this position. Oh, and the sideways penetration, you’ll love the sideways penetration. It may prove tricky at first to get into this position, but each thrust will make it well worth it.
Why He’ll Love It:
Men, you’re a passenger on this ride. You get to sit back and relax. But you too want to give her a helping hand, especially while she’s trying to get into place. After she gets into position, the rest of this ride is free of charge.
About This Position:
Sex Position Number: 56
Difficulty: Guru
Pleasure for Him: Medium
Pleasure for Her: High
Not Suitable For: Vaginal Insensitivity
Other positions you may like: Banana Swing
Ideal Penis Size: 5 inches +
Stamina Required: Low
Flexibility Required: High

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Views: 123

GuideID: 58665

Guide Type: Conocimiento

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