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Taoist's Natural Ejaculation Control Technique

The causes of premature ejaculation vary from chemical alterations to physiological and psychological issues. For thousand of years, Taoists have been practicing Natural Ejaculation Control Technique to strengthen their bodies, reverse aging and enjoy better, healthier sex lives. This technique restores and builds the sexual bioenergy by empowering a man to delay ejaculation (often ruined by excessive masturbation), fix his nervous system dysfunction and his weak parasympathetic nerves, and improve his premature ejaculation caused by male menopause or weak P.C. muscles.

By practicing this technique, you will be able to maximize the power of erections while controlling the urge to ejaculate. Practicing Taoist Technique consistently will lead to better sex and a higher level of performance.

Techniqu Highlight:
Technique Number: 70
Age: Under 45 years old
Symptoms: Premature Ejaculation occruing withing 15 minutes 
Possible Causes: Performance anxiety, Intimacy fear, Over sensitivity and stress
Helpful For
  • Adults under 45 who can't hold an ejaculation for longer than 15 minutes
  • Premature ejaculation occuring more than 50 percent of time with unspecific factors (Incidental Premature Ejaculation)
  • Men using the Stop-Start technique to recover from premature ejaculation caused by stress, anxiety, depression or exhaustion
  • Premature ejaculation caused by high stress hormones from excessive masturbation
How It Works

Taoist’s Natural Ejaculation Control Technique combines meditative and breathing techniques to channel the restorative energy flow from your body to stop premature ejaculation. By strengthening the parasympathetic nerves men can keep the ejaculation valve shut to prevent a premature ejaculation. By keeping the valve shut, the body too can produce a stronger erection. For a healthy erection and a prevention of an ejaculation, the following factors are needed:

  • Basic resting potential for the parasympathetic sexual motoring nerve.
  • Continuous burning of testosterone to charge the nerve during sex.

By practicing Taoist’s Natural Ejaculation Control Technique, the body will increase its bio-energy flow to the penis. This sexual energy will re-circulate around the body – from the brain to the spinal cord. The whole central nervous system will stimulate the action potential in the parasympathetic sexual motor nerves. This stimulation will tighten the ejaculation value for improved strength.

How to Practice:

Your bio-energy flow will increase when taking Herbal Nourishing Pills for Ejaculatory Nerves, a nourishing herbal solution that focuses and strengthens the climax control to boost the Liver and Kidney Yang Meridian channels. Herbs such as Astragalus Complanatus, Schisandra Chinensis, Gardenia and Os Draconis are known to improve orgasm control and to achieve the desired sensational and delayed results of an ejaculation. It’s like high performance fuel for men!
By combining energy herbs and ejaculation-control techniques, you will rapidly see positive results. Within a short period of time, you’ll be controlling your ejaculation while fully pleasuring your loved one.

  1. Relax and control your breathing - inhale and exhale normally. Keep your eyes loosely closed. Hold your tongue against your palate. Focus your mind between your eyebrows.

  2. Inhale deeply through your nose at intervals of two to five seconds until you can feel your abdomen expand. Now, focus your mind on the center of your body, directly towards your navel.

  3. Hold your breath and move your expanded abdomen downward by contracting your upper abdomen. As pressure gradually builds up against the bladder and the prostate gland, shift your mental focus to the prostate area. This step requires you to hold your breath for as long as possible (in a relaxed state) while applying pressure to the bladder and prostate area. This pressure will partially block sensitivity to the penis, allowing you to last longer and control an ejaculation.

  4. Contract your anus by clenching it. Then exhale slowly from your mouth, shifting concentration once again toward the center of your forehead. After several rounds, you should feel hot energy rising from the prostate area along the spinal cord and to your head.

Repeat this cycle several times.

  1. Step 3 is the most difficult step to master, and practice makes perfect. Post your questions below and we will respond with more tips from the Taoist Masters to help you.

  2. You can practice this technique during intercourse. Remember, when clenching the anus, your inhalations and abdominal contractions should coincide with your sexual thrusting motions.

Although this technique might seem difficult at first, with just a little practice (alone or with a partner), you’ll soon master this art; be able to control your ejaculation; and overcome Premature Ejaculation forever. Continuing to employ the Taoists technique can lead to many years of increased sexual enjoyment for yourself and your partner.

For faster and more profound results, take advantage of what nature offers to enhance the technique by consuming an herbal regimen and formula while practicing Taoist’s Natural Ejaculation Control Technique. Astragalus Complanatus, Tribulus, Nacre, and Cimicifuga from Herbal Nourishing Pills contain various critical nutrients for strengthening and sedating overexcited parasympathetic nerves.

Dopamine-induced mineralization of calcium carbonate from Nacre can also help the polarization of ion channels for neurons critical to the ejaculation nerve arc. Get yourself motivated, learn to master this technique and enjoy the sweet results!

On Medication

This technique is also suitable for men who are taking various medications, including antidepressants and SSRIs. If you suffer from mental disorders, such as anxiety, take Nerve Calming & Repair herbal remedy to accelerate recovery. 

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观看次数: 69


笔记编号: 63803

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