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Breast Massage for Fuller Breasts

Quick & Easy For Your Fuller Breast
Both simple and natural, this technique helps achieve fuller and healthier breasts. Requiring only 20 minutes a day, the technique improves circulation and elasticity of the breast tissues, providing fuller, healthier breasts.
The technique also stimulates the nipples and mammary glands, improving production and secretion of prolactin. When using a natural breast enhancement lotion, women experience better results because the lotion helps receptors in the breast tissue pick up phytoestrogens easier.

Steps for “Easy-Starter Breast Massage:
  1. Rub your hands together or place them in warm water for three minutes to generate heat.
  2. Rub one of your breasts inwards in a clockwise direction. Massage the breast in three-second, clockwise motions.
  3. Re-warm your hands after every 20 rubs. Switch direction to counter-clockwise after 100 rubs.
  4. Repeat the steps with your other breast.
To enhance results for fuller breasts and to prevent sagging, use highly concentrated herbal lotions containing Pueraria Mirifica. The active ingredients in Pueraria Mirfica will encourage breast tissue development by elongating and expanding the duct network of the nipple. An elongated duct network will expand the fatty tissue and ligaments surrounding the breast, providing the desired shape and support.
If you were interested in more advanced breast massage technique, please check out: Reiki Massage Technique

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