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Beat the Blues with Yoga

Feeling exhausted or mildly depressed? Mood swings & depressed feelings are major factors behind low sex drive and menopause. Yoga Asana can help boost your mood and reduce your pessimism. Many energizing yoga exercises such as the Crescent Pose can expand your chest, lift your heart, and release the negative energy trapped in your body.

How to do it
  1. Stand with your feet hip-width apart, arms by your sides. Inhale.
  2. As you exhale, bend your right knee, and use your left foot to step back about three feet into a lunge position. Keep your right knee aligned with your right heel as you straighten your left leg behind you.
  3. Drop your shoulders away from your ears. Raise your arms up to the sky. Lift your chest and breath to expand your chest.
  4. Hold the pose and take ten deep breaths, repeating the mantra “Peace, Love, and Happiness bestow upon me"
  5. Inhale and place your left foot forward to bring both legs together. As you exhale, bend your left knee and use your right foot back to step backwards while repeating the sequence on the other side.

If you are experiencing insomnia or have disturbing sleep problems, drink herbal teas for more comforting sleep. If you are experiencing back aches, try additional Yoga poses such as: Yoga Squat For Lower Back Pain and Cobra On The Ball Pose For Lower Back Relief.

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Blog ID: 63799

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