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Stop Urinary Miseries - Botanical Remedy for Postmenopausal Women

As a woman approaches menopause, her hormones begin to decrease. A decrease in estrogen and testosterone leads to a multitude of unwanted physiological and physical changes, from hot flashes to urinary leakage, a painful, often debilitating condition that worsens after menopause.

Hormonal Factors Behind Incontinence
Estrogenprogesterone, and testosterone all see a dearth in production during menopause, while different degrees of hormonal reduction leads to the severity of urinary incontinence. In severe cases of incontinence, women who even sneeze or laugh start to leak urine.
Strengthen PC Mucles
Menopausal women suffering from bladder incontinence have weakened pelvic floor muscles. By taking this botanical formula, women can strengthen their pelvic floor muscles thanks to the herbs found inside. For example, water-soluble pumpkin seed extract exerts an anabolic tissue-building effect on the pelvic floor muscles. Water-soluble pumpkin seed extracts were demonstrated to have shown a dramatic 54.5% improvement and reduction of urine excretion in rats, according to one scientific study.  [4]

Nitric Oxide 
Abundant amount of testosterone is a major driving factor to maintaining adequate amount of nitric oxide to stop incontinence. Nitric Oxide, known to relax muscle around the bladder when it’s full, is also increased while taking this formula, limiting the number of times an individuals goes to the restroom. [2] [3]

Rescue From Herbs
Dong Qui, Mexican Wild Yam, Phellodendron Amurense, Rehmannia Glutinosa, Paeonia Suffruticosa restore progesterone and testosterone levels through enzymatic cascades, such as inhibiting the aromatase enzyme to prevent testosterone to DHT conversion. Research also shown that the herbal ingredient in this formula can interact with the androgen receptor on pelvic muscle cells, possibly strengthening or enhancing the coordination of pelvic muscles.[1] [2] [3] [4]

  1. ^Ho MH, Bhatia NN, Bhasin S. Anabolic effects of androgens on muscles of female pelvic floor and lower urinary tract. Curr Opin Obstet Gynecol. 2004 Oct;16(5):405-9.
  2. ^EFLA Pumpkin Seed Special Extract: New in vitro studies on the efficacy and mode of action in incontinence disorders. Frutarom Switzerland Ltd.; 2006.
  3. ^Yanagisawa E. Study of effectiveness of mixed processed food containing Cucurbita pepo seed extract and soybean seed extract on stress urinary incontinence in women. Jpn J Med Pharm Sci. 2003; 14(3):313-22.
  4. ^Hata K. Effects of pumpkin seed extract on urinary bladder function in anesthetized rats. Medical Science and Pharmaceutical Science. 2005;54(3): 339-45.

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