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Body Brushing Detox For Improving Sexual Desire & Arousal

Known as the first line of defense against bacteria, the epidermis, or skin contains natural oils that help it maintain moisture and prevent cracking. However, these oils can also create some ineffectual side effects—mostly for teens—such as acne.

Skin oil, produced by the sebaceous glands, exudes oils throughout the entire body, with the exception of the palms and soles.

Creams and skins products may eliminate dead skin cells, but they can also dry the skin and rob it of its essential oils. Cleanse the skin without removing its protective oils by using the Body Brushing Detox method. It gently and effectively removes the top layer of dead skin cells.

It eliminates toxic build-up of dirt and acid, while deeply cleansing the pores thorough a detox process that, when applied correctly, allows blood and bodily fluids to properly flourish. By cleansing your system and improving its overall health, your libido will concurrently grow as will the likelihood of conception.

Remove those Dead Cells
When you brush your skin, you remove dead surface cells. The removal of dead surface cells allows the healthy cells underneath to stimulate circulation. Gentle or firm brushing stretches and works the connective tissues that helps increase collagen and elastin production so the skin stays supple and fresh.

Improve Desire & Arousal 
Body Brushing Detox works great with detox and rejuvenation herbs, improving female sexual dysfunction and fertility problems. Chinese herbs such as Cynomorium songaricum, and Pyrola Calliantha from the Natural Hormonal Realignment & Libido Restoration Formula can help increase circulation and recycle toxins from the uterus, ovary, and other reproductive organs back into liver for detoxification.

Expelling toxins or derivatives from birth control pills and other prescription drugs out of the reproductive organs can improve the chance of fertility. The remove of toxins will increase sensitivity and production of sex hormones. Once the hormonal regulation returns to normal, sexual responses such as desire, arousal, and orgasms will commence again.

Use Skin Brush
At spas, body brushing is often a precursor to a wrap, massage, or soak. Be sure to use the right skin brush to help your skin absorb topical masks and creams while it improves the circulatory benefits of a massage or soak. More importantly, it frees you of the toxins that ruin your sex drive.

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Blog ID: 63738

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