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Natural Relief Formula for Vaginal Bleeding

Vaginal bleeding can occur at any age. Stress, birth control pills, endometriosis, prescription drugs, abuse of recreational drugs, or uterine fibroids can all lead to hormonal irregularities which can cause bleeding. This botanical formulation combines natural herbs with synergic interaction to balance acetylcholine, serotonin, estrogen, and dopamine in both the nervous and endocrine system.

Herb Overview
  • Research reports have indicated that Chasteberry (Vitex) acts on the pituitary gland. The herb helps balance the ovarian hormones by increasing the level of progesterone relative to estrogen.
  • Ashwagandha restores and treats general debility caused by hormonal imbalance, exhaustion, stress-induced fatigue, and insomnia.
  • Safflower (Carthamus Tinctorius) contains essential olecic acid and linoleic acid, which are used to invigorate the blood and improve the symptoms of coronary artery disease.
  • Modern research indicates that Polygonum Multiforum (Ho Shou Wu) contains an alkaloid that has rejuvenating effects on the nerves, brain cells, and endocrine glands. Polygonum Multiforum stimulates a portion of the adrenal gland to balance horomnes and detoxify the body.
  • Cistanche, known as an adaptogen and anti-aging agent, offers a safe and effective tonic.

If you are wanted replenish lost iron from virginal bleeding you can consume natural vegetable and herbs. Here is a table for iron content found in food:

Spirulina1 cup31.92
Seaweed1 cup7.12
Spinach1 cup6.43
Lemon Grass1 cup5.47
Tomatoes1 cup4.91
Hearts of Palm1 cup4.57
Asparagus1 cup4.43
Chard1 cup3.96
Parsley1 cup3.72
Pumpkin1 cup3.41

You can also replenished iron with foods rich in heme iron found in animal and seafood sources too or take iron supplements for faster replenishment.

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Blog ID: 63705

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