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Jelqing Exercise for Bent & Curved Penis

The Jelqing exercise was rumored to be of ancient Arabic origin, a unique penis exercise designed to correct injury-induced sharp curvature. It is a simple exercise that involves “milking” (stretching & pulling) your penis for better blood circulation. It also works well for people that suffer from mild curvature problems.

How to Do it
  1. Apply herbal rejuvenating lotion to your hands and your penis.
  2. Masturbate lightly to achieve semi-erection
  3. Make an “O” circle (like an “OK” sign) with your thumb and index finger. Grip tightly around the base of the penis
  4. Start milking (hold and slide) from the base to the end of the penis and then release the grip. Make sure you pull in the opposite direction of the curvature. If your penis is bent to the left, you need to pull it (milking) to the right.
  5. Repeat Step #3 and #4 in a consecutive manner and do it continuously non-stop for 5 minutes
  6. Use another hand and repeat Step 3 to 5


  • Start Jelqing Exercise slowly and gently. Stop doing it if you experience pain
  • Apply lubrication when necessary

Use herbal lotions that contain ingredients to increase micro-circulation within the penile tissue matrix. Herbs such as Ginkgo, Aloe, Soy Isoflavone, Wild Yam, L-Arginine, & Vitamin E help rejuvenation and dissolution of plaque formation.

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Blog ID: 63689

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