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Crystal Meth Detox For Impotence Recovery

The Start of Addiction

All addictions start off small. Most individuals who start smoking meth do so out of curiosity. Some start smoking other gateway drugs, such as marijuana. Meth addicts start by using the drug to enhance menial, everyday tasks. Sex becomes more addicting. Cleaning becomes fun to do. Even watching movies becomes more entertaining. The euphoric highs are thanks to an elevation of dopamine, which enhances the pleasure and stimulation of activities. But once dopamine drop to normal levels, the body craves for a higher dosage of the chemical.

Meth: Not Even Once 

Methamphetamine triggers the massive release of dopamine, falsely activating the psychological reward system in the brain. Once activated, the brain continues to desire the false reward. Long-term usage will start to inhibit the production of both nitric oxide and acetylcholine, chemicals that help power a man’s erectile abilities.[1] [2] Meanwhile, the body will experience side effects from long-term drug exposure (especially youth) that include:

  • Cerebral hemorrhage
  • Abnormal thoughts and behaviors
  • Decreased appetite and weight loss
  • Insomnia
  • Stomach aches
  • Headaches
What It Is Formulated To Do:
  • Increase blood flow to penis chamber
  • Improve the production of both nitric oxide and acetylcholine
  • Eliminate toxins dangerous to erectile capacity
  • Improve liver, gallbladder, and pancreas functions to remove toxic residue caused by meth
Detox Necessary

Watch any television show detailing the drug detox process or witness any individual come down from a high, and you’ll see the painful, debilitating process. Because the brain continues to crave high levels of dopamine, an individual will scream, vomit, lose sleep and feel depressed until a stable level of dopamine is meet.

Passed down from Shaoling monks, Crystal Meth Detox boosts the liver and bile’s detoxification function to process to eliminate bodily waste caused by meth use. Herbal ingredients from Milk Thristle, Bupleurum Chinense, Tumeric, Fo Ti and Panax Ginseng support both liver and nerve cells by rejuvenating and reversing the harmful side effects caused by illegal recreational drugs.

Herb Overview:

Bupleurum Chinense – Increases liver function
Guarana seed – Boosts internal energy and improve bioenergy flow
Astragalus Membranaceus – Improves immune system
Tumeric – Enhances gallbladder function
Fo Ti – Detoxifies toner
Milk Thristle – Helps expel buildup of toxins in the body that impede nitric oxide and acetylcholine
Panax Ginseng – Increases bioenergy for recovery
Tongkat Ali, Korean Ginseng, & Cnidium - Syngertic powerful herbs that can restore back and repair erectile tissue damage and increase erection strength

Working together, these herbs all contain compounds that enhance the bile production and liver detoxification process. The detoxification process is fast acting in the beginning, but actual rejuvenation is a gradual process. The rate of erectile dysfunction recovery caused by meth depends on severity of an individual’s condition.

  1. ^B.K. Logan. Methamphetamine - Effects on Human Performance and Behavior. Forensic Science Review, Vol. 14, no. 1/2 (2002), p. 142
  2. ^Mack, Avram H.; Frances, Richard J.; Miller, Sheldon I. (2005). Clinical Textbook of Addictive Disorders, Third Edition. New York: The Guilford Press. p. 207. ISBN 1-59385-174-X.

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观看次数: 75


笔记编号: 63681

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