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ViaPal-hGH-P Herbal Formula For Vaginal & Clitoral Numbness

ViaPal-hGH-P is a hormonal restoring formulafor women who suffer from vaginal & clitoral insensitivies caused by hormonal disruption from birth control pills or antidepressants. Men benefit from this formula too.

Newman Lin PhD of Lin Institute came out with this pro-dopamine formula aimed at restoring sexual dysfunction caused by damaged vaginal tissues. This formula is designed for women age 35 years or older or for younger female with severe symptoms of sexual dysfunction.

Herbs, amino acids, and mineral complexes in this formula are aimed to:

Women who are physiologically burn-out due to chronic use of birth control pills, prescription drugs, unhealthy diet, and menopause, who need to restore the balance of LH, FSH, oxytocin, and estrogen, or who want healtier sex organs can benefit from this formula.

Extraordinary Improvments

Herbs found in this formula improve the blood circulation in the genital region, preventing the aging process that can lead to vaginal dryness and vaginal looseness. Cistanche, Epemedium (Horny Goat Weed), Yohimbe, and Tribulus improve blood flow to the ueterus and vagina for added pleasure and health.  
Other herbs and minerals, such as Grape Seed, Avena Sativa, and Panax Ginseng counterbalance the rapid increase of blood pressure.
Anti-aging herbs, such as Evening Primrose Oils, American Ginseng, Mexican Wild Yam, and Panax Ginseng promote the female sex hormones. Dong Quai, Mexican Wild Yam, and Primrose Oils, all found in this formula, work wonders for menopausal women. In addition, Panax Ginseng, Mexican Wild Yam, American Ginseng provide nutrients to damaged sex organs that regular food consumption cannot.

More Benefits

Additional benefits such as improved fertility, sleep quality improvement, and mood can too be achieved through these powerful herbal supplementations.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63676

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