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ViaPal-hGH-E Formula For Excessive Vaginal Discharge & Orgasm Dysfunctions

ViaPal-hGH-E Formula, formulated by Newman Lin of the Lin Institute, helps women recover from various sexual dysfunctions, including low sex drivesexual exhaustionexcessive vaginal lubrication and female sexual dysfunction, a symptom caused by birth control pills and prescriptions drugs.

Herbs, amino acids and mineral complexes are formulated to
  • Stop excessive vaginal wetness and lubrication
  • Improve liver function
  • Help combat the hormonal side effects from birth control pills and prescription drugs
  • Enhance sex drive
Birth control pills, antidepressant and other prescription medications can all cause female sexual dysfunction. These medications affect the hypothalamus-adrenal-ovarian axis, a function necessary to produce sex hormones. An altered hypothalamus-adrenal-ovarian axis often causes low sex drive and arousal issues, excessive vaginal secretion and mood problems.

How Herbs in The Formula Work

Mucuna Pruriens, Valerian Root, Dong-Quai and Mexican Wild Yam balance hormones, fine tuning estrogen to assist the ovarian function damaged by age, stress, birth control medications and exhaustion.

Testosterone driven herbs, such as Epimedium, Yohimbe and Tribulus Terrestris, are revered as “brother-herbs” that can help women recover from low sex drive and orgasm dysfunctions. In fact, Epimedium, known as “Horny Goat Weed”, is known to help goats have sex up to 100 times a day!

Other herbs in the formula, such as Griffonia Simplicifolia Seed, Mucuna Pruriens, Passion Flower and Valerian Root , calm exhausted or depressed women.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63674

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