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Ways to Eliminate Stress & Reduce Performance Anxiety

Stress causes early ejaculation and many erectile dysfunctions by overexciting the sympathetic nerves, produce unhealthy stress hormones, and weakening the parasympathetic nerves controlling the ejaculation valve. Exposure to a long-term stressful environment would make it even worse.

Below are many easy and natural ways to reduce stress and anxiety. It takes time for your body to re-adjust and relax yourself.

Reduce the factors

The best way to eliminate premature ejaculation caused by stressed is simply by reducing and eliminating the causes of stress. Here are the ways:

  • Herbal Remedies
    By far, an herbal supplement is your easiest and most effective choice to help your body deal with the physical elements of stress that causing your premature ejaculation or weaken your ability to hold ejaculation (Incidental Premature Ejaculation). By increasing the production of essential neurotransmitters, hormones, and chemicals needed by all the functions of your body, the affects of stress can be diminished.

    Invigorating ingredients like Jujube, Os Draconis, Nacre, Schisandra, and Passion Flower will provide the extra boost of energy you need to get through the day in a peaceful manner. Holistic herbs like Jujube and Licorice will help to heal the whole body to bring you back into balance. Soothing and calming herbs like Nacre and Passion Flower will calm and relax your nerves to provide the extra control you’re looking for.

    Formulated Based On These Healing Herbs Are: Rejuven Calm [What to expect, See it] and Kugentin [What to expect, See it]
  • Take on a lighter workload from school or work.
    You may be pushing yourself too hard by taking on extra work or putting in more hours in a day. You need to find a healthy balance between work and play. If the daily demands are high and there isn’t a whole lot you can cut out, then perhaps a break from it all is what you need.
  • Take a vacation.
    A different perspective and a new environment may be what you need.
  • Lighten your social engagements.
    Just because you’re not working, it doesn’t mean you’re not stressing. Yes, play gives much less stress than work and can even help to decrease work stress, but play is still another form of stress if you have too much of it.
  • Set your body clock.
    Your body clock is responsible for many important things like sleep, body temperature, and your production of many important chemicals including serotonin. By following a regular sleep schedule and getting enough sleep, your body will have a better chance to replenish its resources during sleep while providing you more energy and control when you’re awake.

Dangerous Approach: Recreational Drugs

Some people may use alcohol to suppress the anxiety and stress of a long day. Or, they may use tobacco, marijuana, cocaine, heroin, and amphetamines to give them that extra boost. These methods might work and are sometimes very potent, but the dangers of altering your body chemistry and creating an addiction will far surpass any benefits you may receive. In the long run, these will decrease your threshold for stress and ruin your ability to control ejaculation.

  • Diet
    The foods you eat have a lot to do with the amount of stress you are able to take. Eating more vegetables helps to increase your body’s natural production of serotonin by improving and promoting the absorption of the amino acid, tryptophan. (Synthetic L-Tryptophan is not recommended and may contain fatal side effects.) Red meats also contain natural tryptophan. However, because of the high amount of other amino acids contained in meat, the absorption of L-Tryptophan is extremely low. Vegetables offer a much richer source for the amino acid. Reduce, or better yet eliminate, caffeine and sugar from your diet.

Most people supplement the natural energy they have by drinking coffee, soda, or eating sugary foods. These may have the temporary effect of giving that extra boost you’re craving for, but in the long run it will alter your own body’s ability to supply needed energy and deal with stress.

Carbohydrates are also extremely important in a diet, especially if you feel fatigued and rundown from your normal day. Instead of opting for caffeinated and sugared pick-me-ups, eating more complex carbohydrates – like cereal, rice, pasta, bread, and potatoes – takes the body longer to break down, which provides a steadier supply of energy over a longer period of time.

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观看次数: 72


笔记编号: 63628

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