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Pussy Balm Guide: Quick Fix To Vaginal Dryness

Diamond was a crybaby. Her coworkers disliked her because she would often go crying to her supervisors. Her friends disliked her because she was obnoxious, especially drunk.

Every time she’d drink and vomit, she would cry—begging for her mother. Her boyfriend disliked her because she would cry about their sex life. She had a good reason to cry about her sex life, though. She felt dissatisfied by both his inadequate size and his incompetent skill.

Her boyfriend lacked the grace, skill and posture most experienced men carried with them. Instead, he looked more like a dying fish out of water: flopping furiously without any grace or elegance. Diamond would hardly feel any sensation or pleasure from sex.

For women like Diamond and men like her boyfriend, the lack of sensation and skill can ruin sex. While women cannot fix a man’s size or technique, ladies can improve their sensation during sex, so no matter how furiously—and poorly-- their boyfriends flop and bounce, women can still experience some pleasure.

Poor Pleasure, Poorer Technique

Professional athletes experience success at a high level because of their skill, technique and determination. They repeatedly practice to perfect a skill. And while some men may practice and practice at sex, they’ll still never find the right technique to please a woman.
Sure, visual stimulation from pornos can help, but men require more than just visuals to improve sex. Males stuck in this purgatory may need help.

Pleasure Balms: Help for All Women

Ladies unsatisfied by a man’s performance or technique can at least reverse the poor orgasm. Thanks to pleasure balms, woman can notice heightened sensitivity to make any man, no matter how poor his technique, appear like a sex god. These balms help females

  • Experience improved stimulation
  • Reach an orgasm faster
  • See increased sensitivity altered by nerve-ending damage

Whether your man considers himself a sexpert or not, you might need to offer him a bit of help. If you want to orgasm again and again—without hurting his feelings—you can with these small pleasure balms that give you a boost and him a bit of confidence. Just don’t tell him what you’re using.

[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63612

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