Cock Ring Guide For Men With Erectile Dysfunction Caused by Diabetes
During the early 2000s, the emergence of men and women with Type 2 diabetes became a public concern. The increase of overweight men and women lead to a trnd of diabetes, and even today, obesity has remained a priority for places such as Finland, Mexico and the United States, considered some of world’s fattest countries.Thanks to both obesity and diabetes, men across the world are noticing another emerging problem: erectile dysfunction.
Men with diabetes, especially, experience a higher risk of seeing erectile dysfunction. According to WebMD, men with diabetes have a 35 to 75 percent risk of being affected by erectile dysfunction. With such a high
risk, men will need rings to keep their erections hard during sex.
Diabetes and Erectile Dysfunction: An Unhappy Unison
Diabetes impairs nerves, blood vessels and muscle functions inside both the penis and the prostate. Without the proper functioning of nerves, signals from the brain to the penis cannot occur; meanwhile, blood vessels will not expand for the redirection of blood into the penile chamber. Without blood or stimulation, males can notice difficulties gaining or sustaining an erection.
Rings for Men With Diabetes
Adjustable cock rings provide males with an alternative solution to pills and creams for erectile strength. When men use cock rings, males can trap and hold enough blood to maintain an erection for sex. The benefits of these adjustable rings include
- Adjustment levels to fit all shapes and sizes of a penis
- Improved sexual experience
- Harder erections
- Safer alternatives than traditional cock rings
As men grow older, the risks of experiencing erectile dysfunction grow. By age 70, men with diabetes have a 95 percent chance of experiencing E.D. If you’ve noticed weaker erections, it’s time to take action and save your love life.
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