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Anal Bleach for a Whiter, Cleaner Anal Sphincter

Sex, like life, has its wants and needs. You want bigger breasts, but you need to lose weight first. You want a better sex life, but you need a new partner. You want a whiter anus, but you need anal bleach.

Whitening your anus isn’t something most spas will perform, and you likely won’t find anal bleach in your local convince store. But for people who hold an aesthetic-minded view of their bodies and who want to eliminate the discolored blotches of skin, anal bleach offers a solution. Whether you’re performing anal sex or looking for a uniformed look for the prettiest butt hole in town, anal bleach can provide something for everyone.

Anal Bleach: A Commodity for Everyday Men and Women

Ever seen an anal sphincter and noticed the dark blotches of skin? These skin alterations are normal, and most people have darker or lighter tones. But for dancers, models and everyday folks, the darker skin tones resemble fecal matter. Even the slight resemblance of poop can ruin an experience. More importantly, the uniformed skin tone looks sexier for some couples, especially during anal sex or traditional doggie.

Application Process and Usage

Bleaches should be used once a month. The procedure takes about 20 minutes to apply, and first-time users may experience slight discomfort. After using a few times, however, the bleach will not cause discomfort. Common symptoms for first-time users can include

  • Itchiness
  • Stinging
  • Burning

However, not all men and women will experience these symptoms. Most will notice the symptoms disappear after a few minutes. And for those worried about a painful application process, the method for cleaning the anus is simple. Most products will require

  1. Showering and cleaning the anal sphincter prior to use
  2. Putting on plastic gloves (usually provided with the product)
  3. Placing bleach on the index finger
  4. Inserting the finger into the anus and rub the gel around the darkened skin
  5. Letting the gel sit for 20 minutes
  6. Drying and showering after
[More Details +]

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Blog ID: 63581

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