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Kegel Exercises: For Improved Vaginal Stimulation

Sherry Williams gave birth to six children. After her fourth child, she felt the last two just slid out. Now at the age of 42, Sherry is seeing the impact of multiple births and an aging body. Before her age and pregnancies, she retained her figure and a strong sex drive. Now, she notices sex creates less pleasure, and she blames her weak vaginal muscles.  For women like Sherry, the constant depletion of stimulation from weak muscles can make sex boring. If you’ve noticed your sex life damaged by the weakness of your muscles, you can find help in the form of Kegel balls that strengthen the muscles, add tightness and improve your sex life.

Kegels: The Overview to Tightness

Kegels insert into the vagina and require ladies to contract and release the muscles. The added pressure from the Kegel balls will strength each muscle to give ladies a tighter, more pleasurable sensation. Most manufactures will too include a series of instructions for users to follow. These instructions list out the following:

Step 1: Clean the kegel balls before use.

Step 2: Insert the balls into the vagina.

Step 3: Contract the muscles. Ladies will feel a tight squeeze.

Step 4: Hold your contracted muscles for 5 to 10 seconds.

Step 5: Repeat the exercises another 10 times, twice a day.

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Blog ID: 63578

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