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Multi-Purpose Cock Rings for Men and Women

The Swiss Army Knife of cock rings has arrived, and these multi-purpose devices are made to stimulate the penis, massage the clitoris and tickle the anus. Small, compact and usually battery-powered, these rings act as the male version of vibrators—with a twist. While traditional masturbators provide pleasure, multi-purpose cock rings grant stimulation while curing common sexual dysfunctions including

  • Impotence
  • Weak erections
  • Clitoris insensitivity
  • G-spot insensitivity

Whether you use the toy to add pleasure or to cure a problem, the device provides benefits for both men and women.

Added Benefits of Cock Rings

The original cock rings served one purpose: maintaining erectile strength. As an alternative to impotence drugs, men with diabetes used cock rings to trap blood and to improve erectile strength. While men who sought improved pleasure noticed harder erections and increased endurance. Today, the rings have evolved from curing diabetes-induced impotence to providing pleasure to the bodies of men and women. Couples who use these rings notice

  • Enhanced male and female stimulation
  • Improved intimacy
  • Increased male endurance

Whether you use the device for standard intercourse or anal sex, these multi-functioning rings provide pleasure points for both men and women. Add in the benefits to a man’s sexual health and the devices provide a must-own product for men with weak erections or impotence.

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Blog ID: 63570

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