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Infertilidad masculina
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A Womanizer Loses His Mojo

Pursuing women obsessively and sexual overindulgence finally burned out his endocrine system and prostate

Case #: 102


I am 37 years old, and I started masturbating when I was 14. I started experiencing various harmful consequences from too much self-pleasure and sex. I was involved in sports and had many girlfriends. Every time I started a new relationship, I would be crazed over the first sexual encounter and constantly want and demand more.

Now, I am experiencing a burning in my prostate. Can I assume that my prostate is enlarged from too much ejaculation? In the last few weeks, I dribbled a lot while urinating and experienced mild burning sensations in that area, especially when sitting at work. Now, my erection strength is extremely weak and is seriously affecting my lovemaking ability.


The healthy average weight of a prostate is 11 grams. Most adults maintain their prostate weight at less than 21 grams. Problems of prostate enlargement occur if the weight and size enlarge to the point where urination becomes difficult and one experiences the urge to urinate often, a delay in ‘getting started’, and there is dribbling.

Average Prostate Weight[1]

1.5 grams
12 grams
18 grams
21 grams

Sexually exhausted men often burn out their prostate glands by overworking them, thereby converting testosterone into dihydrotestosterone (DHT). Excessive amounts of DHT will bind to the prostate to stimulate cell growth.

The Advanced Botanical Rejuvenation formula contains various beneficial herbs such as Ophiopogon, Flax Seed, Saw Palmetto, Dianthus, Quercetin, and Rehmannia that can reduce the stimulation of prostate cell growth by halting the DHT conversion from testosterone. They can also relieve pressure on the enlarged prostate, urethra and surrounding tissues that are the cause behind a slow-starting urine stream and dribbling. [2] [3]


  1. ^Leissner KH, Tisell LE (1979). "The weight of the human prostate". Scand. J. Urol. Nephrol. 13 (2): 137–42.
  1. ^Bob Flaws & Philippe Sionneau, The Treatment of Modern Western Medical Diseases with Chinese Medicine, Blue Poppy Press, 2005, page 170
  1. ^Cho EJ, Shin JS, Noh YS, Cho YW, Hong SJ, Park JH, Lee JY, Lee JY, Lee KT.Anti-inflammatory effects of methanol extract of Patrinia scabiosaefolia in mice with ulcerative colitis., J Ethnopharmacol. 2010 Jun 4
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Blog ID: 62489

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