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Your Guide to Foreskin Restoration

Practiced in every part of the world, male circumcision removes the extra skin from the glans. Some health pundits argue that circumcision offers a safer, more hygienic method for cleaning the penis, while religious experts assert its necessity. Both Muslim and Jewish cultures perform universal circumcisions on infants, while their European and Asian counterparts shy away from the procedure.

Whether it’s for religious or hygienic purposes, circumcisions rob a man of sensitivity. Men hoping to regain sensitivity and restore their foreskin to its natural state can do so.     

Penis Keratinization

Circumcision removes the ridged band at the end of the foreskin. This ridged band is concentrated with nerve endings of sensitivity known as Meissner’s corpuscles. Dr. Taylor suggested that the removal or injury to the ridged band (and the Meissner’s corpuscles) would significantly reduce sexual stimulation, while constant rubbing and touching of an uncircumcised can too cause desensitization.[1]
What is the Reason for Circumcision in the First Place?
In the past, it was thought more sanitary to have boys circumcised in order to prevent gentile infections and to promote cleanliness. By simply pulling back the foreskin while bathing, you can easily clean and wash the area of concern. In the modern era, it makes no rational sense why such reasoning should still have bearing.

Reasons to Restore Foreskin Back
Many circumcised men wish to restore their foreskin due to the following reasons:
Suffering from Penis Keratinization
Suffering from Penis Numbness
Suffering from Penis Pain
Improving sensitivity to the glans
Restoring natural appearance
Enhancing sexual stimulation
Regaining a sense of wholeness

Foreskin Restoration
Using surgical or non-surgical methods, foreskin restoration expands the residual skin of the penis to create the appearance of natural foreskin. By using tissue from pre-existing skin not removed during a circumcision, men can see an improvement in restoration. Men can use the pre-existing skin to manipulate it around the head of the penis. While a rather obvious and simple concept, the procedure itself is delicate.

Surgical Approaches to Foreskin Restoration

Surgical methods of foreskin restoration, sometimes known as “foreskin reconstruction,” usually involve a method of grafting skin onto the distal portion of the penile shaft. The grafted skin is typically taken from the scrotum, which contains the same smooth-muscle tissue as the skin of the penis.  Another method involves a four-stage procedure in which the penile shaft is buried in the scrotum for a period of time. Despite the effectiveness of these techniques, each procedure comes at a steep cost.

Natural Approaches to Foreskin Restoration
Non-surgical foreskin restoration, accomplished through tissue manipulation, is commonly used. Both the skin of the penile shaft and the mucosal inner lining of the foreskin may be expanded through prolonged stretching techniques.

Natural Solutions For Foreskin Restoration introduces techniques and devices that can be effective while reducing restoration time by as much as 500 percent. By stretching the remaining foreskin, males can slowly induce the production of more tissue production necessary for the restoration of foreskin.

^Taylor, J.R.; A.P. Lockwood and A.J. Taylor (February 1996). "The prepuce: Specialized mucosa of the penis and its loss to circumcision". British journal of urology 77 (2): 291–295.

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