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When Your Penis is a Star, but at What Cost? – Problems Associated with Sexual Burnout

Let’s check out this interesting case study involving a gentleman who is a porn performer as well as a power lifter. His porn job requires him to ejaculate more than once per day while filming and now he is losing sleep. Can he nip this in the bud before other problematic symptoms start to appear?

Case #: 771


My case is a bit complicated. I am an avid strongman competitor and natural power lifter at the height of 5'10, 260 lbs. with 16% body fat. I am also an amateur porn star. I have a large penis with a 3 o'clock erection most of the time. I do not partake in creatine or protein shakes. I try to consume organic meat and dairy products. The directors will not allow me to make love to my female costars more than 30 minutes per shot and require an orgasm from me several times in a one or two day shooting. This has been depleting me recently and I do not know what to do about it. If I use some of the solutions will I be able to perform as an effective porn star and strongman at the same time? I have been having sleeping problems for the last 6 months averaging 5 hours a night.


Like every other muscle in your body, your penis needs stimulation and exercise in order to stay fit. Ejaculating keeps your “pipes” clear of any blockages that can lead to diseases and can also keep your nervous system sharp and ready to fire off neurons effectively, for any situations you might need them for. It’s almost like taking your body through a fire drill in order to make sure that it’s in tip-top shape and able to perform at maximum levels.

You’re Not Alone

Sex and masturbation can keep these systems healthy and up to par, but too much of either one can result in adverse effects. Some people even use sexual activity and the resultant orgasm as a way to reduce stress or just in time for bed, as a way to relax their minds and bodies and get a good night’s sleep.

If you are ejaculating more than once per day on a steady basis, you could be entering a danger zone, fraught with land mines each containing various symptoms. Every time that you ejaculate without allowing your body to naturally replenish its finite supply of androgen hormones and neurotransmitters (dopamine, serotonin, GABA), you are at risk of stepping on one of these mines, resulting in a new problem blowing up in your face. So far you’ve sexually exhausted yourself by depleting your body’s resources and creating a hormonal imbalance, resulting in insomnia.

Too much sexual activity can reduce your melatonin reserves and without enough of it you can experience problems with your sleeping patterns. Continuing along your current path can lead to other symptoms, including ringing ears, blurry vision, back aches, hair loss, and penis shrinkage (which would not be good for your chosen career). So how do you get back on track?

A Healthy Recharge

Since having sex and ejaculating is how you bring home the bacon, it isn’t practical for you abstain from sexual activity altogether. However, you might suggest to your producers that you need to break your schedule up into increments that will allow for your body to recover between scenes. In other words maybe you can have it so that you can film a scene one day and ejaculate, take a break, then the next day another scene, etc., so that you’re not ejaculating more than once per day.

You may also be interested in taking a natural botanical remedy to help boost your body’s reserves. (SEE: Herbal Remedy for Maximum Performance) Maximum Certain herbs in these formulas can help to restore and rebalance your hormonal levels, as well as increase your blood circulation which will help to supply your penile tissues with more nutrients. Boosting your hormonal levels will promote melatonin production, taking care of your sleep problems, while increasing your blood flow will help to prevent any future penis shrinkage issues.

So what have you got to lose? Who knows; maybe you’ll be the next Ron Jeremy (how do I know how that is?).

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观看次数: 111


笔记编号: 61768

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