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STUNTED GROWTH – Penis Shrinkage Due to Overmasturbation

Here is a case involving a gentleman who has been a chronic masturbator for some time now, and this has resulted in his penis shriveling. He has attempted to stop, but to no avail. How does he get back on track?

Case #: 834


I'm a young man who has a problem with over masturbation and over ejaculation. From what I have read, what I'm doing to myself is not good for my body or my penal size. I could see my size getting smaller and thinner, but I just can't stop. I been masturbating since the age 15 and I can't tell you how many times a day I do it because I would go from 1-4 times a day for a period of time to 1 week to a month without. I notice the longer I wait the more the urge comes. My confidence level is low because of my penal size and I tend to masturbate more because of my size. I have had sex with this size and have no problem with my energy or stamina. I mean I have no problems with that, just my size. What can I do and can some of the solutions help me with my problem. I would most gratefully appreciate your help.


Before I actually visited Italy, I used to dream about it. My mind would drift off and I’d find myself in one of those Gondolas paddling myself down gigantic interconnected networks of blue canals, wide and narrow, long and short. And it didn’t seem to matter that many of these canal cities weren’t Venice, every Italian town and city that I’d studied seem to spontaneously have these waterways, with an occasional bridge spanning them.

Once Flowing Canals

Sometimes, when something wasn’t going my way, or I’d had a particularly bad day, these utopian dreams would turn into nightmares, where the water within the canals was strangely low and not flowing normally, and somehow everyone and their mother seemed to have discovered these canal cities; they were just jam-packed with other Gondolas. This resulted in me being stuck.

When you are getting into the sexy-time zone, your brain sends off neurotransmitters to Mr. Happy down there, telling him to awake from his slumbers and get alert and ready. Blood is then tasked to fill a series of tubes that lead to your penile chambers. When these chambers are sufficiently engorged with blood and sex hormones such as HGH and Testosterone, you have a hard erection; well under ideal circumstances anyway.

Now look at your once healthy and properly functioning tube networks leading into your penile chambers as those aforementioned canals. Just as the waterways became clogged up with other Gondolas in the nightmares, so too have your penile tubes and chambers become partially blocked by a fatty substance called plaque, due to your excessive masturbatory habits.

Unclogging the Canals

Fortunately, this is a matter that can be overcome. But, you must have both a bit of patience as well as some self-discipline. Enlarging your penis size is a long-term goal, but it can be accomplished. Firstly, take 3 weeks off from any sexual activity.

The reason that you tried to quit before and failed, Is because you probably didn’t set a specific amount of time to give it a rest. You also had no follow-up plan or anything to help you concurrently during your rest time. This will give your body a chance to replenish its reserves. After your rest period, you’ll want to proceed to the next step.

There is a secret spot along every male’s penis that is more sensitive to stimuli than others. Massaging this “X-spot” and taking a natural botanical formula can boost your neurotransmitters, as well as increase your blood flow and circulation. (SEE: Nourish X-Spot for Bigger Penis) This in turn will unclog your penile chambers of plaque, and prevent it from building up in the future, resulting in a larger penis, both erect and flaccid. Your canals will once again be flowing and uncluttered. So what are you waiting for? You Gondola awaits!

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观看次数: 85


笔记编号: 61722

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