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The Drop Zone – Issues Related to Excessive Masturbation

A young man who has been playing with Mr. Happy far too much is experiencing some bad side effects. How does he recover from these maladies?

Case #: 577


I'm 22-years-old. Since the age of 15, I have masturbated at least once a day. Now, masturbation has caused terrible side effects, and it has damaged my life. Now, I experience the following:

1) Thinning and receding hair line
2) Acne and pimples
3) Hearing, vision and headache problems


Is it the Ride or Me?

When I was younger, the Drop Zone was my favorite amusement-park ride. Once at the ride, some pimple-faced, 15-year-old kid would strap my friends and me into the harnesses. As we ventured higher and higher onto the circular platform, our bodies filled with anticipation while we waited for the big drop.

Finally, we’d hear a faint click and then BAM! We’d drop so fast that an immeasurable sense of exhilaration filled our bodies as we accelerated faster and faster toward the pavement. At the climax, a machine slammed us to a stop, feet from the sidewalk. The adrenaline was so great it caused one boy to pee his pants. But after riding Drop Zone over and over, the excitement and adrenaline wore off.

And this loss of excitement is what your body feels. Yes, your mind urges for some nice back-to-back-to-back masturbation sessions, but after awhile, you experience less elation after climaxing. Instead of a rocket going upward, like at the start of the Drop Zone, you slam downward toward the ground like at ride’s end, which leaves you to groggily and dizzily.

Your chronic masturbation has removed the original excitement, but like a bad habit, it has occurred habitually. You’ve not only ruined your natural rest cycle for restoring essential hormones and chemicals, but you’ve also caused a number of unwanted side effects. So what’s the solution to your issues?

A Break, Then a New Ride

Yes, I understand that you’re at your sexual peak, most young men are during their 20s and 30s. But now, it’s time to get off the drop zone and treat your body to a healthy recovery. You can start by taking a break from playing with Mr. Happy. No, don’t worry, we’re not talking ages here, just three weeks or a few months.

This rest period will enable not only a clear mind, which will reduce your stress levels, but also a damaged body to begin its healing process of restoring its depleted resources. And according to studies, lower stress levels mitigate hair loss and vision problems.

Taking a powerful botanical supplement (See: Advance Herbal Remedy For Exhaustion & Dysfunction) can balance your body’s hormonal levels, which will reduce acne breakouts and thinning hair. These specialized herbal concoctions can eliminate inflammatory hormone in your body, such as prostaglandin E2, which is overproducing in the cranial nerves.

This reduction will stimulate and repair some hair loss and minimize headaches. This formula will too boost your neuro-endocrine function; reduce your overall stress levels; and promote the production of prostaglandin E-1, prostaglandin E-3, and your nitric oxide, which improves blood circulation. In time, you’ll be jumping onto a new ride called the Up Zone!

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观看次数: 86


笔记编号: 61596

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