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The Female Sex Drive: When Testosterone Levels are too Low, Women Experience Diminished Sexual Appetites

He’s questioning the production of testosterone in the female body because of his wife’s sexual responses. Specifically, she suffers from low libido – one of the foremost symptoms of testosterone deficiency.

Case #: 1113


I know testosterone is produced in the ovaries, but where else is it manufactured in a woman’s body? The reason I ask is because even on the days when my wife is not ovulating, I can make her peak nicely as though she is ovulating. This occurs even a day before her menstrual cycle.


Testosterone – say the word, and a person will immediately conjure images of rowdy men with well-defined muscles and voracious sexual appetites. After all, this hormone is a major factor in the development of healthy bodies and strong sex drives. Testosterone is so important that synthetic blends are used to treat erectile dysfunction.

Testosterone and Women

But testosterone isn’t just for men. As you mentioned, it is also produced by females, and The American Journal of Epidemiology deems testosterone the most important androgen in both men and women. Its functions between the sexes are also similar, although levels are generally 10 times higher in men. So what is the exact role of testosterone in women?

It’s hard to define testosterone as having one specific function. Once released in the body, it contributes to a variety of functions, including the maintenance of strong bones, healthy red blood cells and dense muscles. It fuels a woman’s sex drive by increasing libido and arousal. During sex, it intensifies pleasure so lovemaking is a fulfilling experience. But that’s not all – testosterone also promotes positive mood and boosts motivation. In short, this hormone does a lot.

Is testosterone susceptible to imbalances? Absolutely. Low levels in women can cause reduced sexual desire, mental fog and a general lack of energy. This hormone is in fact just as important as estrogen and progesterone, especially when it comes to healthy sexual responses.

Going inside the Body

The line between estrogen and testosterone is blurry at best. Testosterone levels are much higher than estrogen in women of reproductive age. As a woman advances in years, most of her hormones start to naturally deplete. Some females even experience low testosterone as early as their teens.

The ovaries produce about half of the testosterone found in a woman’s body. The remaining half comes from the adrenal gland. Many experts attribute the weight gain and loss of libido that plague women in their middle ages to estrogen depletion, but others blame it on testosterone levels. This makes sense because ovarian functions slowly halt as a woman ages.

Androgen deficiency in women is not well-understood because it hasn’t been thoroughly studied. Health care providers do acknowledge its symptoms mimic those of depression. A report published in 1959 showed that women with low testosterone exhibited low sex drive. Today, it is understood that many women of all ages, even those who have not yet reached menopause, suffer testosterone deficiencies.

What Causes Testosterone Imbalance?

As already discussed, age is a significant factor when it comes to a woman’s testosterone levels. Testosterone can reduce by as much as 50 percent by the time a woman reaches 40. Those over the age of 40 can experience rapid declines in testosterone because of menopause. A hysterectomy that removes the ovaries can cause testosterone imbalance at any age.

Oral contraceptives are also contributing factors. These suppress a woman’s natural hormone production and often lead to disturbances in hormonal patterns. The Journal of Sex Medicine states long-term use of the pill can be particularly problematic because it prevents the body’s use of testosterone.

Regain Lost Libido

Luckily, the symptoms of testosterone imbalance don’t have to be endured. An herbal formula can stimulate your wife’s sexual desire and restore passion to your marriage. The two main ingredients of this formula – Maca and Catuaba – have been used in ancient healing practices for thousands of years. (SEE: Hormonal Balancing Herbal Formula) Now, they are presented in a safe and modern blend to balance hormones and increase arousal. For you, this means better and more frequent sex with the woman you love.

[More Details +]

Views: 148

Ideas: Women's, Low Sex Drive

Blog ID: 61593

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