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Going Soft– Issues Related to Diabetes

Let’s check out this interesting case involving a young man who has been diagnosed with diabetes and it is adversely affecting his love life between himself and his wife. He hasn’t been able to get a hard erection for 2 whole years which is a long time. But there is hope ahead for him…

Case #: 623


I am a diabetic that also suffers from high blood pressure. I noticed about 7 years ago that my erections became weaker and weaker. I have not had a full erection in about 2 years now. I have tried erectile drugs without success and was told that it does not work for everyone. I was told by my doctor that if I got my blood sugar under control, as well as, blood pressure my erections would return. Is there anything I can do that might help me? My wife and I have not made love in 2 years due to my problem. Please help!


In order to produce a hard erection, a series of chain reactions must take place. The first act in this chain Is psychosexual stimulation. This is brought about by the male sex drive, also known as your libido. After that, your mind sends impulses down the intricate nerve pathways to your penis.

The Wrong Impulse
These nerve impulses relax the smooth out the muscles of the arteries which fill your penis with blood. This muscle relaxation then results in the engorgement and erection of your penis. After an orgasm, the blood is returned to your general circulation and your penis returns to a flaccid state.

Any disturbance in any one of these steps, such as a decreased blood supply, disruptions of nerve mechanisms or psychosexual problems may break down this chain and lead to erection problems.

Diabetes is interfering with your erection in a number of ways, and soft erections tend to get worse the longer you have diabetes. A little more than half of all men with diabetes experience some degree of erectile dysfunction, from minor to more serious issues.

Diabetes affects the sending and receiving of nerve impulses. This problem is called neuropathy and may also affect the hands and feet of a diabetic. Without fluid nerve function, your erections are becoming more difficult to achieve. Diabetes also adversely affects the blood flow to your penis. This is resulting in a decreased quality or number of full erections. Healthy blood vessels are needed for the engorgement of penile tissue which leads to a proper erection, and these have been damaged by your diabetes.

Pump It Up

I’m not sure if your doctor has told you this, but one thing that you’ll want to start with is a proper exercise program which includes cardiovascular activity. This can be as simple as going for walks or light jogs at a park or in your neighborhood, riding a bike, or a vigorous walk on a treadmill.

What this does is expand your blood vessels and increase their elasticity. It also helps to regulate your blood pressure in long run. The key to lowering your blood pressure in this manner is to be consistent (at least 3 times a week), warm your body up by doing stretches in the beginning, starting off slow (8-10 minutes of aerobic exercise), and having a cool down period afterwards.

One way that you can really get on the fast track to recovery is by taking a powerful botanical supplement. This can help to balance your body’s hormonal levels, and start to alleviate some of the stress that you’re naturally feeling at this point.

They can also boost your body’s testosterone levels. Testosterone is what powers your sex drive, and there are proven links between diabetes (even pre-diabetic) and low levels of testosterone. Unlike many traditional pharmaceuticals, these natural concoctions (See: Tribulus Can Boost Your Weak Erection) aren’t dangerous to your body, so there is no risk to your health involved. So let’s get you back on to the path to health, and also back to your loving ways with your wife. I’m sure she’ll approve.

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观看次数: 81


笔记编号: 61592

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